Corporate governance Governance Reinforcing a culture of transparency and good governance to Integrity and compliance build enduring relationships with our compliance clients, employees and partners. It has ESG REPORT 2022-23 The Ethics and Compliance Program at Infosys has two key objectives – to uphold and ensure the become a platform to create awareness values of integrity and transparency and to assure enterprise-wide regulatory compliance. 1. Code of Conduct and Ethics (Digital and have an engaging dialogue with all ESG is an opportunity version): We also have a digital version of stakeholders, and influence behavior and Integrity is key to nurturing a responsible business. Beyond regulation and stakeholder the Code of Conduct and Ethics. It provides showcase the Infosys culture. This has attention, there is a growing recognition that good behavior is good for business. At Infosys, our user-friendly access to specific topics taken forward the compliance and ethics ENVIRONMENT commitment to a value-based ethos is enshrined in our Code of Conduct and Ethics. in an interactive manner. It is a unique program and created increased awareness audio-visual experience and is easy to of expected behavior. SOCIAL Our values are the principles we use to run the Company daily and are the source of our Code of navigate. The Code can be accessed on Conduct and Ethics. Our values are the foundation of everything we do and are encapsulated in mobile devices as well. The digital version 4. Local Compliance Officer program: the acronym C-LIFE (Client value; Leadership by example; Integrity and transparency; Fairness and of the Code aims to help every employee To further raise awareness among our GOVERNANCE Excellence). understand the behavior we expect and employees about ethical aspects globally, a the principles and values we uphold. local compliance officer (LCO) network has Performance on governance goals We aim to continue to build a culture of also been created across the Infosys Group compliance, where everyone feels they are in collaboration with Office of Integrity Corporate governance and Compliance. The LCO network plays a Data privacy able to do the right thing and prioritize crucial role, in promoting an organizational legal and ethical choices. The digital version culture that encourages ethical conduct Information management of the Code is available here. and a commitment to compliance with the 2. Code of Conduct and Ethics training: law, regulations, and policies and helps in Our employees and Board members maximizing the impact of ethics-related are trained on the Code of Conduct and communication and training. Ethics. We have a Smart Awareness Quiz (SAQ) which includes training modules that employees are mandatorily required to undertake every year to renew their commitment to the Code of Conduct and Recognition as Ethics. Our vendor partners were also trained on the Supplier Code of Conduct one of the world’s Code of Conduct and Ethics by the Board and the Office of Integrity and through various channels including Compliance is the custodian of the Code of live sessions during the vendor partner most ethical companies We firmly believe that following the highest Conduct and Ethics. Our business partners meet called Sambandh. We also have Infosys has been recognized as one standards of business conduct and ethics helps acknowledge and comply with the Supplier a detailed communication plan to use of the 2023 World’s Most Ethical us run our business responsibly. Our Code Code of Conduct which is based on the UNGC multiple channels of communication like Companies for the third consecutive of Conduct and Ethics helps us maintain the principles. emails, video messages, blogs, gamified year by Ethisphere, a global leader in highest ethical standards for our employees. assessments, and storyboards to spread defining and advancing the standards Purpose statement awareness about various policies. of ethical business. Through this It complies with the legal requirements of 3. #SwipeRightforIntegrity: recognition, Infosys becomes one of applicable laws and regulations, including Our Code of Conduct and Ethics now #SwipeRightforIntegrity is an annual only four honorees in the software anti-bribery and anti-corruption and ethical encapsulates our purpose statement: legal and compliance event organized and services Industry, globally, and handling of conflicts of interest. It also “To amplify human potential and create the by Infosys. The event brings our leaders the only honoree from India. highlights expectations from our employees. next opportunity for people, businesses and together to reinforce our values of integrity, The Code of Conduct and Ethics is signed off communities.” Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 54

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