Performance on social goals Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Social vision ENVIRONMENT Serve the development of people by shaping a future with meaningful opportunities for all. SOCIAL Material topics Ambitions Progress in fiscal 2023 Performance on social goals Enabling digital • Extending digital skills to more than 10 million • We have reached 8.5 million people through our digital skilling Enabling digital talent at scale talent at scale people, including employees, clients’ workforce, initiatives Tech for good students, teachers and communities by 2025 Diversity, equity and inclusion Energizing local communities • Empowering more than 80 million lives via tech for • More than 114 million lives empowered via tech for good Employee wellness and experience Tech for good good programs in e-governance, healthcare and programs in e-governance, healthcare and education education by 2025 GOVERNANCE Diversity, equity • Creating a gender-diverse workforce at Infosys, • 39.4% women in the workforce and inclusion with 45% women Energizing local • Delivering 33% of work by leveraging flexible / • ~75% of our employees leveraged remote working options communities remote work options Employee wellness • Facilitating best-in-class employee experience and • Recognized as a Top Employer in 22 countries across Europe, and experience being recognized among the best employers in our Middle East, Asia Pacific, and North America for best-in-class key operating regions HR practices and processes Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 25

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