Enabling digital talent at scale Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity introduced in the foundation program to employees with hands-on exposure to cloud Enhancing skills and amplifying human talent provide entry-level graduates an exposure to technologies. Some of these interventions ENVIRONMENT the latest technologies. include Microsoft Cloud Pro, a mega Microsoft Infosys continues to make strategic investments in the competency development of its talent. We Continuous education program Cloud Certification drive. have always believed it is important to nurture a learning ecosystem. Fiscal 2023 saw an increase A web version of the global news publication, SOCIAL in the learning consumption within Infosys and an overwhelming adoption in the community too. Lex, our versatile learning platform, helps Financial Times, was launched in Lex for Performance on social goals our employees keep abreast of the latest employees. We have introduced a LinkedIn technologies by learning anytime and from subscription this year, with over 9,000 courses. Enabling digital talent at scale anywhere. With the remote-first approach, Tech for good Lex also provides technology playgrounds to practice, and get certified using the in-house Quickstart, Diversity, equity and inclusion our lateral onboarding experience, Energizing local communities A virtual learning enables experienced hires to get an Employee wellness and experience in-depth understanding of the organization and craft their first GOVERNANCE assistant on Lex, 100 days learning plan. provides personalized guidance tailored ‘Milestone’ programs for our mid-level Experience centre at Bengaluru for an immersive experience of industry solutions and offerings to an individual’s unique learning needs. employees to enhance their role readiness, Foundation education program apart from improving peer networking and Employees ‘Infosys Assessment Platform’ leveraging leadership connect, and ‘Bridge’ programs that The Infosys Foundation Education Program is a its ‘virtual video proctoring’ mechanism. enable employees with training and internship We endeavor to provide employees with 16 to 19 weeks residential training program, to The platform is also being improved using opportunities to switch to new careers such as new learning experiences and future-ready enable the entry-level engineering and science generative AI technologies. consulting and technical architecture have also skills through two large interventions— the graduates transition into the corporate world. seen wider participation. foundation program and the continuous This program focuses on IT foundation skills We have forged academic partnerships education program. and one of the many technologies based on with an aim to develop top future-ready The foundation training program is designed to business requirements and includes process talent and to collaborate on emerging and 55 lakh+ learning days mold newly onboarded entry-level engineering training as well as professional and behavioral niche technologies. We conducted various and science graduates into corporate skills training. workshops in AWS, Azure, GCP and Metaverse professionals. The continuous education We hired 50,000 freshers in the year. Trainees in collaboration with our partners to provide Average training hours for employees program aims at upskilling or reskilling existing can also choose learning paths in Lex, our Men 129.0 employees and sets the tone for lifelong internal learning platform, based on their Women 132.7 learning. interest areas, and equip themselves with 14,800Lex courses Total 130.5 internal certifications to move faster in their careers. In the recent past, generative AI and prompt engineering-related topics have been Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 26

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