Enabling digital talent at scale Social Our learning efforts won us accolades from Learnship, and more offer insights into various Brandon Hall, ATD Best, Training Apex, and domain and technology trends through NASSCOM, who recognized the Education, masterclasses by recognized academia and ESG REPORT 2022-23 Training and Assessment (ETA) team as the industry experts. Virtual practice environments Cloud Innovator of the Year. Avasant and include programming challenges and ESG is an opportunity Nelson Hall continue to rate our digital learning assessments. capabilities in the highest quadrant. Technical and behavioral competency ENVIRONMENT Clients development is done through focused learning interventions including CodersZen, SOCIAL Infosys Wingspan, our learning solution for A Millennials Dream, Career Compass, Catch clients, has helped companies strengthen Them Young, and more. their employees' digital capability. Infosys Faculty members at academic institutions can Performance on social goals Wingspan, a one-of-a-kind cloud and mobile- get certified and learn from experts through Enabling digital talent at scale first platform, provides seamless interactive faculty enablement programs and can use the learning experiences, which has accelerated platform to provide an engaging experience Tech for good organizations’ transformation journeys. for their students. Diversity, equity and inclusion We have also extended Infosys Wingspan to Educational institutions can use the platform Energizing local communities meet the requirements of talent development to bring industry-relevant curriculum through in the healthcare sector this year. With Infosys rich content available on Infosys Springboard Employee wellness and experience Wingspan, clients do away with reinventing and monitor the learning progress of their the wheel completely. The client workforce students through the platform. GOVERNANCE gains from a learner-centric experience, including setting ‘learning goals,’ receiving An Infosys Springboard briefing session at an institution in Uttar Pradesh recommendations based on ‘interests’, practicing skills in fail-safe virtual lab them and amplifying their potential. Infosys environments, getting assessed and tracking Springboard promises to be a game changer their learning achievements and proficiencies. thanks to Infosys’ competency development The social and mentoring aspects of the lineage, active content curation, and ability to Wingspan learning experience also encourage support additional learning needs. It is aligned peer learning. Client leaders can use Wingspan with India’s National Education Policy 2020 to to communicate with all employees via live provide easily accessible, affordable, high- streaming. quality and accountable education. Community The platform is available in English and all major Indian regional languages, including Infosys Springboard, India Sanskrit and Urdu. In alignment with the Infosys ESG Vision The platform, powered by Infosys Wingspan, 2030 to enable digital skilling at scale, Infosys is available free of cost to any curious learner aims to empower over 10 million people from Class 6 to lifelong learners. with digital and life skills by 2025 through its Immersive learning experiences together with initiative Infosys Springboard. This initiative a host of benefits including curated world-class has been crafted to meet opportunities for content through partnerships with top content honing skills in learners and empowering providers like Coursera, Skillsoft, Techademy, Student interaction on Infosys Springboard offerings at an institution in Kerala Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 27

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