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Sheba Pulse

January 2022


Sheba Pulse - Page 1

2 letter Dear Friends and Colleagues, So much has transpired since we published the last edition of Sheba Pulse! FROM THE First and foremost, this edition is being published under the auspices of Sheba EDITOR Global, the newest division within the bustling medical center. What is Sheba Global? Sheba Global is the hospital’s revamped international business and marketing division, which since its recon昀椀guration this past summer, has expanded by leaps and bounds. The Sheba Global business umbrella also comprises MSR, the Israel Center for Medical Simulation, Education and Training, Global Patient Services (formerly known as Medical Tourism) and the Israel Center for Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Response. Under the leadership of Yoel Har-Even, the Director of Sheba Global and Keren Yaniv, who helms Sheba’s business outreach and negotiations, the new division has already forged various healthcare agreements with a growing number of nations around the globe, starting with the Asian, African and Arabian Gulf regions. Sheba Director General, Professor Yitshak Kreiss and Yoel Har-Even have personally changed the dynamics of healthcare in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in the aftermath of the Abraham Accords, signing extensive agreements with government health authorities, hospitals and healthcare systems, as well as private ventures. These burgeoning agreements, which will likely extend to Morocco and other Middle East and North African and Arabian Gulf nations in 2022, have already created a global impact across the worldwide media. Sheba’s bridge-building e昀昀orts in the Arab world underscore its Hope Without Boundaries patient care agenda on the home front.

14 Doctors from Kazakhstan observing in an operating theater as part of medical training and education As the largest and most comprehensive medical center in the Middle East, and a Newsweek-ranked top-10 World’s Best Hospital, Sheba is a research powerhouse and at the forefront of innovation in healthcare. Utilizing this expertise, Sheba aims to provide medical attention to anyone, anywhere—thereby creating hope without boundaries. Some of the activities Sheba is engaged with beyond its world-leading medical center are: TRAINING & MEDICAL EDUCATION Sheba Global aims to share knowledge and experience with healthcare professionals and institutions worldwide. Some of the services they offer are: ► Consulting governmental authorities, public institutions, national officials and private companies in strategies to upgrade and improve healthcare systems ► Training and education for all types of healthcare professionals, enabling them to integrate acquired

4 1. NEWSWEEK RECOGNITION For an unprecedented third consecutive year, Sheba was rated as a top-10 hospital on Newsweek magazine’s renowned World's Best Hospitals rankings. No other hospital in the Middle East has garnered this type of recognition. In addition, Newsweek cited Sheba as a World's Best Specialized Hospital and World's Best Smart Hospital in 2021. 2. CORONA FIRSTS As the pandemic continues to challenge hospitals all over the globe, Sheba has been able to lead the world in orchestrating a myriad of COVID-19 initiatives. During the past year, Sheba was first in the world to vaccinate immunocompromised citizens with the 3rd Pfizer vaccine, followed by being first in the world to provide the 3rd Pfizer booster vaccine to medical personnel and citizens alike. In addition, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett approved Prof. Gili Regev-Yochay's "Green Classroom" initiative, which has played a vital role in keeping elementary schools and kindergartens open even during a coronavirus wave. 3. ABRAHAM ACCORDS 1 Over the past year, Sheba accelerated its activities across the United Arab Emirates with Sheba physicians offering on-site and virtual services to a variety of hospitals in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, as well as a first-ever visit of a senior Israeli doctor to Ras al- Khaimah, where our top rehabilitation specialist Prof. Israel Dudkiewicz tended to patients and provided training to doctors in the Northern Emirate. Sheba was also involved in a

5 5. SHEBA BEYOND One of the tools that Sheba is using to accelerate high-quality medical care to the Gulf and the world at large is telemedicine. Sheba’s virtual hospital platform, Sheba BEYOND, offers cutting-edge services that integrate different start-up technologies, designed for each hospital or healthcare system and their patients. 6. ARC IN THE UNITED STATES Sheba's ARC is a start-up ecosystem concept that aims to Accelerate, Redesign and Collaborate with partners around the world in order to usher in the global digital healthcare revolution. In 2021, ARC was exported to two of America's largest metropolitan regions in Chicago, Illinois and at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. In 2023, ARC is expected to expands its reach across the USA, UK, the Gulf region and Australia. 7. SAVING SAIDIAN When traumatized Israel Defense Forces veteran Itzik Saidian self-immolated as a form of protest last spring, he arrived at Sheba in grave condition, suffering from burns on over 90% of his body. No one gave him a chance o f surviving. However, Prof. Josef Haik and his elite National Burn Center team did everything in their power to keep him alive. Prof. Haik performed countless skin grafts on Saidian, utilizing the hospital's state-of-the-art skin bank, where healthy skin cells from Saidian's body were taken and grown into larger pieces in the skin bank laboratory. These were then grafted onto his body. Despite impossible odds, Saidian is slowly making a miraculous recovery!

6 Over a year before the Abraham Accords were term rehabilitation for men, women and children. formally signed at the White House in September These treatments are anchored by Sheba Medical 2020, Professor Yitshak Kreiss, the Director Center’s cutting-edge Sheba Beyond telemedicine General of Israel's Sheba Medical Center, the program in coordination with a local healthcare largest facility of its kind in the Middle East, was system, as well as Medcare Women’s Hospital in already planting thds of regional cooperation at Dubai. the Peace to Prosperity Conference in Bahrain. In addition, Sheba is administering lifesaving Those initial contacts with business and healthcare onsite treatments to critically ill patients from the executives from both the UAE (United Arab Emirates who have been flown to the hospital as Emirates) and Bahrain have resulted in flourishing part of Sheba's growing Global Patient Services relationships with government health authorities, referral program in the region. healthcare systems, hospitals and investment Sheba also made a huge impact within Ras al- companies through Sheba Global, the medical syd0 0 10 308.1360.1443 Tm [()-5[(Sheba )9.6 5Lang 5h10 5ade a hg (en-US)/MCID 9 5h10 5ade 0 10 308.1378 center's fast-growing international business and marketing division, under the leadership of Yoel Har-Even. Within the UAE, Sheba Medical Center is tending to the needs of members of the armed forces who suffer from maladies associated with high cholesterol and diabetes, women with obstetrical issues, as well as short- and long-

7 medical center. Sheba is also initiating a medical by working side by side in a hospital to save innovation program in collaboration with the UK’s lives and I am excited to see these friendships Ashridge University, the first of its kind within the and partnerships grow.” burgeoning kingdom. "We are renowned around the globe as a In 2022, Sheba intends to expand its relationship World's top-10 Best Hospitals by Newsweek with both the UAE and Bahrain by initiating an magazine for three consecutive years. No other exchange of doctors for onsite education, training and patient care, as well as engaging in mutually beneficial research projects and building start-up ecosystems within the framework of Sheba's ARC innovation program. These expanding alliances accentuate Professor Kreiss' overall vision for the region. "We devised the Prosperity Through Healthcare initiative to change the future of the Middle East," said Professor Kreiss. "Once there was human interaction, all the barriers between us came down. Healthcare is the most powerful engine of growth in life. Healthcare can create both economic growth and become an engine of peace. The highest level of friendship is achieved Yoel Har-Even (left) signs agreements in Bahrain

March 2020 marked the start of a new reality. COVID took the world by storm. We were faced with a global public health crisis, and no one knew how to contend with it. Emergency rooms were bursting, as physicians globally worked to 昀椀nd the right treatments, and hospitals struggled to cope. At Sheba, COVID presented the opportunity to 昀椀nd new approaches for care delivery in a time of crisis. We were able to mobilize quickly and take innovations from theory to practice. In particular, the ARC Innovation Center at Sheba (ARC = Accelerate Redesign Collaborate), established just three years ago, has played a critical role in Sheba’s response to COVID and in shaping the future of patient care. Indeed, COVID has enabled us to bring what we know as a ‘smart hospital’ to life. This acceleration in the application of smart solutions — innovations based upon connectivity, AI/machine learning and the digital transformation of healthcare — have established Sheba as one of the world’s leading smart hospitals. In fact, in June 2021 Sheba was named the world’s 13th Best Smart Hospital in a global survey published by Newsweek and Statista. And, among the 250 elite hospitals listed, Sheba was the number one smart hospital in Israel. This huge achievement highlights the vital role Sheba has played in

physician practice to identify and prevent medication-based errors, opioid dependency, evolving adverse drug events and contraindications and other medication-related risks. MedAware improves patient safety in inpatient and outpatient settings and significantly reduces avoidable risks and costs each day. CLEW MEDICAL CLEW Medical provides a real-time artificial intelligence analytics platform designed to help providers make better informed clinical decisions by predicting life- threatening complications across various medical care settings. CLEW’s goal is to provide solutions that improve outcomes and safety, streamline patient care, and efficiently handle regulations and penalties, to lower the cost of care. MILAGRO AI MilagroAI enables hospitals and health systems to unlock the true potential of their EMR systems in order to save lives and increase efficiency. The MilagroAI real-time data platform fully automates the currently manual and very costly process of EMR data preparation and clinical data understanding,

10 CONTROL TOWER TO OPTIMIZE PATIENT FLOWS AND LOGISTICS Not satis昀椀ed with our current position, we are always working hard to 昀椀nd new ways to propel Sheba to be a completely smart hospital. To achieve this, ARC has launched the ‘Control Tower’ project, building a central location to manage all the clinical needs of patients, optimizing patient 昀氀ows as well as logistics. While airports have a control tower to manage a huge amount of air tra昀케c, hospitals are currently lacking a similar solution to manage the 昀氀ow of the thousands of patients who go through its doors every day. Hospitals can also be extremely ine昀케cient with both patients and doctors wasting time waiting for appointments and operating rooms. By introducing a control tower, hospitals can become well-oiled machines of e昀케ciency, leading to more e昀케cient and patient-centric care, and increasing hospitals’ capacities to serve. The control tower ensures that each patient is in the right department at the right time, and in the case of any change in condition, medical sta昀昀 will be alerted to move the patient to the most relevant department. Additionally, the control tower not only looks at how the patient is clinically, but at critical logistical issues which impact patient 昀氀ow. For example, if a patient needs to be moved to a bed in a di昀昀erent department, the control tower will not only know that there is a vacant bed, but when it has been cleaned and is ready to accept a new patient. I predict that in ten years’ time, hospital control towers will be as commonplace and crucial as Electronic Health Records. SHEBA AS A SMART HOSPITAL LIGHTHOUSE

Sheba Pulse - Page 10
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      Hope Without Boundaries: SHEBA’S ISRAEL CENTER FOR years, Sheba has initiated successful missions around DISASTER MEDICINE AND the world and has collaborated with national and HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE international organizations in under-served regions. PROVIDES MEDICAL CARE TO Founded in 2017 under the direction of Prof. Elhanan ANYONE, ANYWHERE When disaster strikes, no matter where in the world, Sheba is prepared to answer the call. When there was a cholera outbreak in Zambia in 2018, Sheba was there with an infectious disease team; when the Fuego volcano erupted in Guatemala in 2019, Sheba sent a specialized burn unit to treat victims. Sheba sent a team to Mozambique in the aftermath of cyclone Idai, and a pediatric and intensive care team to Samoa following a massive deadly outbreak of measles. In December 2020, a specialty team comprised of medical and ICU physicians and nurses traveled to Piedmont, Italy to help bear the load, providing additional support and exchanging knowledge with an overwhelmed healthcare system. The list goes on. Humanitarian aid has been a part of Sheba Medical Center’s mission since its establishment in 1948. Over the

      12 OPERATIONAL DEPLOYMENT The Center deploys medical teams to disaster areas and emergency situations—comprised of Sheba personnel as well as volunteers from other centers and organizations in Israel and overseas. As part of its deployments, the Center is currently in the process of developing the capability to transport, assemble and operate a full 昀椀eld hospital (classi昀椀ed by WHO as a Type 2 Emergency Medical Team), which will be ready for deployment in disaster zones worldwide. This 昀椀eld hospital can also be used in disaster preparedness on the home front, set up on the grounds of Sheba, or any other center in Israel, in the occurrence of a major event with extensive damage to hospital infrastructure. In fact, this capability allowed Sheba Medical Center to lead the initial response in Israel to the COVID-19 outbreak, establishing the 昀椀rst COVID-designated treat- ment facility in the country. HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE As testament to Sheba’s value of providing medical care to anyone, anywhere, the Center is involved in humanitarian medical response projects worldwide, sending critical medical care to those in need. Recent activities include, amongst many

      SHEBA’S Global Patient Services: World-Class Medicine for Patients Across the World Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Sheba Medical Center’s Global Patient Services team continuously provided world-class medicine with a personal touch for anyone and everyone—catering to patients across the globe, who benefited from the advanced therapies afforded by our groundbreaking research, premier physicians, and expert surgeons. In accordance with our motto, ‘Hope Without Boundaries,’ Sheba Medical Center is determined to do all it can to provide the best care for any patient from any corner of the world. The Sheba Global Patient Services team, adept at streamlining emergency flights, testing, and treatment, creates travel and healthcare packages tailored to each individual patient that encompass everything from clinical consultation, imaging, and laboratory diagnostics to surgery, treatment regimens, and rehabilitation. Sheba is available to receive patients through its Global Patient Services. Contact us at or +972-77-996-6905 to see what high-level medical services we can provide for you. Patient Process Patient Sheba Medical supervisor 360 OF SERVICES Sheba's Dedicated medical call-center top doctors coordinator

      14 In November, Sheba Medical Center's Arrow Project (Young Researchers, or "Chetz" in Hebrew) apprenticeship program for medical students opened its 15th year with a festive event attended by Sheba’s leadership, representatives of the IDF 8200 Intelligence Corps Unit, researchers, and students. Established in 2006 by Prof. Anat Achiron, the initiative matches selected medical students with experienced Sheba researchers who serve as their mentors, providing hands- on experience to pave their way into the world of medical research. Over the past three years, the program has expanded as the research duos now also include also a third tier, high school students, including several from Arab communities. This year the Arrow Project boasts 53 medical students from universities across Israel and abroad, as well as 18 high school students from around the country. For the first time, this year’s program will include high school students in the prestigious pre-IDF Magshimim 8200 intelligence core program who will engage in the integration of technology in medicine. To celebrate the event, Arrow published a special book featuring all the research papers, nearly 100 in total, published by participants since the program began 15 years ago. “The main aim of the Arrow Project is to develop a platform that will strengthen medical students’ knowledge and practice, and train them to be better physicians and researchers,” said Prof. Eldad Katorza, director of the Sheba Arrow Project. “This is achieved by incorporating the students in integrated clinical work involving research. In addition to

      2021 was a momentous year for Friends of Sheba in the United States. As of January 1st, 2021, Sheba’s two coastal “Friends of” operations merged into one unified national organization: the American Friends of Sheba Medical Center. The launch was greeted with a new national board, great enthusiasm and a charge from Sheba Medical Center Director General Professor Yitshak Kreiss to grow our American Friends body significantly in the years to come. The challenges of the pandemic did not make the launch year easy, but we didn’t let it slow us down. Active regional boards continued meeting by Zoom in Florida, Texas and Los Angeles. By Q3 we saw that the national organization was on track for a stronger financial performance than the total of the two separate organizations in the prior year. In June, we hosted an exclusive event at an art gallery in Manhattan that proved massively successful! In addition to existing supporters, many new friends came to hear Dr. Eyal Zimlichman give a lecture on how the pandemic catalyzed new medical innovations within Sheba. We succeeded in raising six figures in donations that evening alone, with many people interested in becoming more involved with Sheba in the future. The West Coast did its part as well — a number of successful events were held when Dr.

      This past year has proven to be one of the biggest challenges we had to face all around the world. No matter the trials and tribulations, Canadian Friends of Sheba has remained a strong voice in the community through its support of Sheba Medical Center. This year, we came together to create our 昀椀rst gala hosted by Canadian Friends of Sheba. Sheba Under the Stars, held in May 2021, was a glamourous virtual evening with live entertainment as well as informative presentations on lifestyle choices by leading experts in the 昀椀eld including Dr. Rani Polak, Dr. Joe Schwarcz, Prof. Michal Beeri and Michael Avery. Canadian Friends of Sheba added some spice to the local community with culinary creativity! Dr. Polak spoke about Sheba’s wellness center and its current research. Dr. Joe Schwarcz discussed the chemistry of wine and its many bene昀椀ts, and Prof. Michal Beeri reminded us how we can remain healthy to prevent Alzheimer’s. Attendees of the event enjoyed a live wine tasting together with their wine and chocolate gift bags and entertainment from the event’s host Stacey Kay, Juno Award Winner and America’s Got Talent Finalist. If you missed the event, or would like to see how Canada ‘does it best’, you can view the event on our YouTube channel: We would like to thank our team members in Montreal, and all the donors and sponsors who supported us and Sheba for this beautiful evening. LET’S GET TOGETHER For the 昀椀rst time in nearly two years, friends and supporters of Sheba met in person

      AUSTRALIAN Friends of Sheba A Year in Review It has been an exciting year for Australian Friends of Sheba Medical Center (AFSMC). Under the outstanding leadership of chairman Avri Alfasi, AFSMC has already achieved a great deal in the short time since its establishment last March. The year began with the appointment of AFSMC's 昀椀rst Executive Director, Idan Goldberger, who helped form a board of 10 dedicated professionals including Daniel Abbott, Dr. Genia Rozen, Dr. Geo昀昀 Kohn, Prof. Michael Hofman, Dr. Miriam Kuttner, Norman Graeve, Penelope Lane, Stephen Gorenstein and Dr. Stephen Kleid. AFSMC also appointed a Patron, Professor Major General (Ret.) Je昀昀rey Rosenfeld AC, OBE, a highly regarded Senior Neurosurgeon at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne and former chief medical o昀케cer of the Australian military. This year, AFSMC has been focused on building relationships and establishing ties with hospitals, universities, research institutes and governmental agencies. This e昀昀ort has resulted in 31 potential new partnerships aimed at developing greater connections between Israeli

      Global cooperation and collaboration are very important to us at African Friends of Sheba. As such, we are pleased to report on the many patients that have been referred for treatment in Israel through our thriving global patient services program in addition to the abundance of Zoom consultations that have taken place. Not only are we working on strengthening our global cooperation, but we are also working hard to build thriving relationships with local companies. We have been approached by a wide range of medical companies to collaborate with Sheba and ARC and are excited to see these relationships evolve in the future. Additionally, we are currently very close to signing MOUs with two big companies in Africa, which will bring progress and innovation to all. Stay tuned for news in 2022. We are excited to see what this upcoming year holds for health innovation at Sheba and will be concentrating on strengthening the global relationship between South Africa and other countries in the African continent and Sheba Medical Center Israel. We know that this international cooperation will better health ecosystems across the continent and help make the world a healthier place. Sheba performs miracles every day, providing hope and saving lives throughout the world. Ask us about becoming a Friend of Sheba Medical Center so you will not only be able contribute to these daily miracles, but you’ll be able to insure you and your loved ones in your time of need. For more information about our work or how to become a Friend of Sheba, please visit our website: or our Facebook Page. You can contact Naomi

      LATIN AMERICAN Friends of Sheba A Year in Review This past year of 2021 brought with it many amazing opportunities for the Jewish community in Latin America. With the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the globe, Sheba Medical Center’s presence initiation in Latin America has allowed the community to maintain their faith and continue 昀椀ghting on in the face of these many challenges. Sheba has established several new Friends of Sheba Centers across Latin America in Mexico, Brazil, and Uruguay. The center in Uruguay was established after a delegation of Sheba doctors and nurses visited the country, showing the impact of and impression Sheba makes around the world. This is the 昀椀rst time Sheba Medical Center has established contact centers in key Latin American communities and this investment in our future is greatly appreciated. We are proud to announce that Friends of Sheba Latin America has started on the right foot, having hosted several successful webinars over the past year despite COVID disruptions. We look forward to hosting more events in the future, both in person and virtually and are excited to continue our growth in 2022. For more information, please visit our website or contact Mr. Yossy Bar-Magen, Executive Director at Friends of Sheba Latin America at [email protected].

      20 SHEBA’S 5Z]POZ=TQSa NORTH AMERICA: >BDC BT /T1_3 1 Tf 0.107.0652 120.6525 Ti68n163.7925 Tm [(A)30 n81(441 >>BDC BT 0 0 0 0 k /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 16l8434 >>BDC BT 0 Tc c8US)/MCID United States Eastern Regional Office Dorit Basal Tel: 212 586 4034 Email: [email protected] Midwest Regional Office Brian Abrahams Email: [email protected] Southern Regional Office Sheri Zvi Email: [email protected] Southwest Regional Office Guy Cohen Tel: 713 236 7707 Email: [email protected] Western Regional Office Molly Soboroff Tel: 310 838 0700 Email: [email protected] Canada Canadian Friends of Sheba Medical Center Einat Enbar, MBA, Executive Director Tel: 647 967 2428 Email: [email protected] LATIN AMERICA: Latin American Friends of Sheba Medical Center Yossy Bar-Magen, Executive Director Email: [email protected] AFRICA: African Friends of Sheba Medical Center Naomi Hadar, Executive Director Tel: +27 82 90 777 28 Email: [email protected]