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Rand Paul Said That There Were Reportedly No Emails From Hillary Clinton’s Trip To Libya, Yet There Were Pictures Of Her Texting Or Emailing From Her Phone. On Hillary Clinton’s private emails: RAND PAUL: “Well, here's -- here's the problem. She has now admitted she didn't go by the State Department rules or the Executive Branch rules. We also have Trey Gowdy's commission saying that during a period of time, they're interested, her trips to Libya, she's on her phone, appearing to either text or e-mail, and there are no e-mails in that period of time. Can we trust Hillary Clinton to produce all of her e-mail when we couldn't trust her to obey the law that she had to use a State Department e-mail? The only way we get to the truth is by an independent investigation, and I do believe that public opinion can provoke that. So, I'm not giving up on this. The president would have to appoint an investigator or would have to come from Trey Gowdy's commission. But they're stonewalling us time after time. They'd do anything to not reveal these e-mails. She was doing it in a secret fashion to keep them secret from the American public. I don't think the American public should tolerate it.” [Kelly File, Fox News, 3/10/15]

2016er Attacks on HRC - HRC Defense [Emails] - Page 8 2016er Attacks on HRC - HRC Defense [Emails] Page 7

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