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Video Views Objective Playbook

More video views, better brand recall.

Twitter Objective Playbook Drive Maximum Video Views More video views, better brand recall.

Video Views Objective Playbook - Page 1

What’s covered Objective overview 03 Campaign planning How to get started 04 Where your ads appear 05 Video ad formats 06 Video takeover products 10 Creative best practices 11 Campaign implementation Bid types 14 Audience targeting 16 Campaign pro tips 20 Setting up your campaign 21 Measuring results 27 Troubleshooting + FAQs 28

Video Views Objective Playbook - Page 2

Overview Video viewership is higher than ever on Twitter and the Video Views objective helps you get as many people as possible to watch your video, and remember it. You made a great video, time to This objective allows you to get eyes on it. Video Views connect with customers more campaigns are perfect for likely to watch your video with all advertisers trying to drive kinds of media-friendly formats: awareness with efficient, quality native video, GIFs, even live video views. video. Tweets with videos make for some Not looking to Tweet? or don't of the best-performing content on have Tweet copy? No worries. If Twitter — in fact, Tweets with you’d prefer to run your video as videos are 6x more likely to be pre-roll ads before premium Retweeted than Tweets with publisher content, we recommend images. And Twitter video drives the Pre-Roll Views objective. the highest long-term recall of all More info here. the leading platforms. Drive Efficient Video Views Benefits A cost-effective way to drive video views. Better Engagement Internal data consistently shows that Tweets with video attract more engagement and are more likely to be Retweeted. Drive Awareness Video Views is one of the top performing objectives for driving awareness. Creative Flexibility The variety of video products you can use allows you to drive results at any stage of the marketing funnel. 03

How to get started Things to consider Before you start, make a plan. Here’s a checklist of considerations that’ll help you refine your objectives and achieve the best results. What is your end goal? Who are you targeting? (Max reach, affordable CPMs, Core Audience, moving specific brand metrics?) Existing Connections, or Lookalike audience? What type of reach What creative assets are you looking for? do you have? Mass reach (takeover Do you have images, videos or products) or target reached a GIF? Are your assets (various ad formats)? optimized for the feed? 04

Where your ads appear Tweets in Video Views campaigns can appear in a number of locations on Twitter. Home timelines Profiles + Tweet detail Top of search results Your campaign may be visible pages (Optional) Campaigns appear at within a person’s timeline if (Optional) When someone you’ve the top of select search result you have a Promoted Tweet targeted visits a Twitter profile or pages on and relevant to them (based on Tweet detail page, they may be partner products like Hootsuite. your audience targeting). eligible to see your ad. You can always customize where and if you want your Tweets to Timeline is a required serving location for Video Views appear in search. campaigns. However, you can customize whether you want your ad to also run on profiles and/or search results. 05

Video Views Objective Playbook - Page 5

Video ad formats Recommendations Selecting Ad Formats for your Reach Campaign Twitter offers a wide selection of In fact, using the same single ad Image, GIF and Video ad formats creative (let's say a teaser video that can help your creative and for your new product launch) with campaigns stand out. Each format three or more ad formats can help comes with its own unique your message stand out in feed, features that can be used for driving greater awareness and different purposes. down funnel impact. Some for example, can help drive On the next page you will find a longer video views, others give list of the top performing ad you the ability to add question formats we recommend for the and answer polls to your image or Reach objective. We suggest you video ads, while others can take test them out when building your customers directly to your campaigns to see which helps website. Whatever your goal is, we drive the best performance for the have an ad format that can help. goals you care about. Best of all they can be used together to amplify your message and maximize the value of your creative. Using multiple ad formats increases the probability of campaign success When possible use Ad Formats to drive 3+the best results 06

Ad formats Promoted Video Promoted Video lets you promote a video from a brand's Twitter account. The video autoplays when shown in a person's timeline. Promoted Video is our most proven video ad solution, and drives brand metrics and sales. Stick to this tried-and-true ad format, or take it a step further and use additional features to achieve specific goals. Video Website Card Capture attention with your best video or image content and drive people to your site or to take an action in the moment. The Video Website Card enables marketers to promote their website with video creative, creating a rich experience for the user, a continuation of the conversation started in the video, and more qualified site visits. Upon clicking on the video unit, the destination URL loads and the video shifts to the top of the screen and continues to play. The video then scrolls with the page. 07

Ad formats Video Poll Engage your audience and gain valuable insights by adding interactive polls to your video ads. Video Polls are a great way to engage with followers by adding a poll question to videos. Polls are an effective way of prompting users to engage with your content, and combining polls with visual elements gives users something specific and eye catching to orient your question around. Video Conversation Card Drive engagement and conversation with embedded Tweet buttons that prompt users to Tweet about your brand to all their followers. Conversational ads are Promoted Tweets with compelling videos that include call to action buttons with customizable hashtags. Once clicked, the button creates a pre-populated Tweet that users can customize or Tweet out. Conversational Ads have proven to be an effective way of engaging with customers, and driving them to share a brand’s message. 08

Ad formats Promoted Live Video Create a moment, broadcast it to the world, and allow your audience to interact with you in real time with Promoted Live Video. Promoted Live Video is designed to help brands maximize the live content efforts that they’re already making.Twitter's full-service team will work with brands to determine the best content to showcase, develop a media plan that targets the right audience, provide dedicated technical support, tools to share show clips, real-time analytics, and more. This is a great solution for brands looking to make a splash when they launch something new. Amplify Pre-Roll Run pre-roll ads to align your brand with brand-safe, premium content your customers are already watching — including highlights and top clips. Amplify Pre-roll aligns your brand with in-feed video content from 200+ premium, brand-safe video publishers, including top TV networks, major sports leagues, and professional news outlets. Get in front of your audience with pre-roll ads that kick off the videos they’re interested in. Note that Twitter Amplify video campaigns use the Pre-Roll Views objective, another objective. 09

Video takeover products Let’s say your brand’s about to have a big moment: launching a new product, brand message, or looking to reach a massive audience on a specific day (like a holiday or event). Time to tell e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. When you want to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time, we recommend our takeover products. This is the best way to achieve quality reach at scale. Friendly Reminder: These must be purchased through your Twitter Account Manager and are not part of the the Reach Objective. Here are the takeover products we offer. • First View • Promoted Trend • Promoted Trend Spotlight First View Maximize reach on Twitter for 24 hours with exclusive ownership of Twitter’s most premium video impressions served at the top of the timeline and throughout the app. 10

Video takeover products Promoted Trend #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar Place your brand at the center Bar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristar of conversation, by featuring arista #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBarist your brand’s desired hashtag in eBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #The the top Trending list within the BaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheB Explore tab — where people ristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBar go to see what's trending for #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar the day. aristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBa #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar This high impact placement drives mass-reach, enables #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar ##TheBaristaBar user discovery and scales your Bar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristar campaign across Twitter and arista #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBarist includes promoted video ads in eBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #The the Home Timeline as well. BaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheB It can also be paired with a ristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBar First View to maximize #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar awareness and reach across aristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBa Twitter’s most popular surface #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar # areas. #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar Bar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristar arista #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBarist eBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #TheBaristaBar #The Promoted Trend Spotlight Want to make an even bigger splash? Upgrade your Promoted Trend to a Promoted Trend Spotlight in order to feature your brand video at the top of the Explore tab. There your video ad will be featured in the top position for people's first two visits of the day before returning to the Promoted Trend position within the Trends for You list. 11

Video creative best practices You’re halfway through setting up your campaign! We’ve discovered video creative is the #1 factor in driving sales. According to Nielsen, 47% of sales can be attributed to creative alone. Plus, according to EyeSee research, videos optimized for Twitter using these best practices drive a double digit increase across key metrics such as brand awareness, purchase intent, and message association. They also contribute to an average increase of +33% in your audience’s emotional engagement with your content. Source: Nielsen Catalina Solutions, 5 Keys to Advertising Effectiveness, Oct 2017 12

Video Views Objective Playbook - Page 12

Video creative best practices Creative best practices After reviewing thousands of campaigns, we’ve put together a list of ways you can drive the best return for your ads. Keep in mind, people also read text on Twitter (more so than other platforms) so it’s important to think through your copy and CTAs as well. Keep it short Grab attention Persistent branding Aim to keep videos at 15 quickly Video ads with clear logo seconds or less to Use movement and show placement drive 36% higher maximize branding impact. talent in the first few brand recall. Clear branding 15 second video ads tend seconds of your video. should be included within to see 3x higher Keep in mind that the the first 3 seconds of the completion rates over 30 video can be skipped ad, but preferably stay on- second ads. after 6 seconds. screen the whole time. Strong visuals Captions + sound Short Copy 97% of people focus on off 90% of people read copy visuals on Twitter, so make Include captions or text- on Twitter. The sweet spot sure it’s eye-catching and overlay so that your are Tweets with 50-100 features your product or message comes through characters. key message. without sound. Closed captions and text overlays create 28% longer view times on Twitter and Average ROI is 1.8x higher for videos that don’t require sound to be understood. 13

Bid types Let’s talk video bid types With the Pre-roll Views objective, you’re paying for reach via new views on your videos. But all view counts are not created equal — so we offer a variety of video bid types to ensure that you’re driving the views you want. Twitter offers three unique video bid Here’s how it types, with their own distinct works. tradeoffs and benefits: Twitter’s cost-per-action pricing means you only pay These three bid types differ in the duration the video is watched for the results you’re looking (often referred to as ‘s' or ‘sec’) and what percent of the video needs to drive. to be in view onscreen (often referred to a flat %) for the view to be counted. Below is an overview of each: 6s/ Only get charged for video + Pay for a views that are at least 6 longer, more 50% sec with the video player premium view 50% or more in view. 2s/ Only get charged for video + Maximize your views that are at least 2 reach at a lower 50% sec with the video player cost with a 50% or more in view. standard view Only get charged for 3s/ video views that are at + Ensure complete least 3 sec with the viewability of 100% video player 100% in your creative & view. its elements 14

Bid types Next let’s talk billing bid types There is no minimum budget for Twitter Ads, but setting competitive bids and budgets for your campaigns allows them to win auctions and serve. Use these tips to help set a bid and budget that maximizes your campaign results within your price range: Utilize auto bid. Your bid is one of the factors that determines how frequently your ad is displayed. We provide a recommended bid (informed by past successful campaigns) which indicates the amount that will best help you reach your goal. For new advertisers, we recommend automatic bidding because it’s the most flexible and cost effective, and updates in real-time are based on auction conditions to fit your campaign budget. Once your bid is set, you will never be charged more. Set your bid based on the value you place on each extra video view Keep When entering your bid, consider the value of each view your video will in mind receive and let that dictate what you’d like to pay. With a small budget, it’s easy to set a low bid, but remember, even if you set a high maximum A higher bid means you bid, you’ll only pay slightly more than the second highest bidder. are more likely to win the Match bid to targeting size. If your campaigns are targeting very auction, which will then specific audiences, you may have to increase your bid in order to serve. lead to more views. A bid For example, advertisers targeting specific geographic regions may below competitors’ bids need to bid more to win the same number of auctions as advertisers may not serve. targeting less specific audiences, as there are less people in that audience. In addition to controlling the amount you pay per view, you can also control the daily budget you’re willing to spend on each campaign. Once your daily budget has been reached, the campaign will temporarily stop serving until the following day (or until the daily budget is increased). You can also set a total budget for the campaign.Find more information on bids and budgeting in our bidding and auctions FAQ. 15

Audience targeting Getting seen is great. Getting seen by people your ad will resonate with is better. We’re all about finding the right audiences for your campaign. People come to Twitter to post more than 500 million discover what’s happening in the Tweets every day. world, to share information This gives us a window into instantly, and to connect with people’s lives, interests, wants, people and businesses around and what they’re doing right now. the globe. Twitter is where hundreds of millions of people With the Video Views objective, you get access to Twitter’s industry-leading targeting features. Configure accordingly and you’re all set to go. Here are 3 targeting strategies we offer: Targeting types Core audience People targeted based on designated factors like demographics, location, interests, and keywords. Existing connections Reach people who are already familiar with and have expressed interest in your brand on or off Twitter. Look-alikes Discover brand new people with habits, interests, and backgrounds similar to your existing followers or customers. 16

Audience targeting Core audience targeting Looking to reach the right people at scale? Start here. Core Audience targeting allows you to set parameters to find your ideal audience. Demographics Location Keywords Set preferences on Make selections Target or exclude age, gender, language, based on country, people who searched device, and more. state, region, metro for, tweeted, or area, or zip code. engaged with Tweets containing keywords. Conversations Followers Look-alikes Find people talking Reach people who Connect with people about your brand (or follow your brand based on the types of relevant topics) in real on Twitter. handles they follow and time to drive interact with. conversation across Twitter. Interests Movies + TV Events Choose based on Target people who See who’s interested what they’re into: Tweet about or engage in select festivals, hobbies, sports, with movies and shows concerts, holidays, etc. movies, and more. in a specific market. Pro Tip #1 While it’s always smart to target by location and device, we advise using only one type of audience targeting with each campaign. In other words, choose whether to target by keyword, interest, followers, behavior, and so on. This makes it much easier to track what works and optimize accordingly. All of our Demographic Audience Action based targeting tactics, Targeting tactics including Age, including Keywords, Interests, Gender, Location, Device, Follower Look-alikes, and Language, and Carrier will apply Conversations, a person can only to every person targeted in your be targeted by your campaign campaign. For our Interest and based on a single parameter, not multiple. 17 16

Audience targeting Existing connections targeting Yes, Core Audience Targeting is a big help in finding a large and relevant audience. But maybe you’re looking for a more specific group of people? Here’s where you find people who have already shown interest in your brand. People who’ve People who’ve seen People or customers visited your website or engaged with past you already know Tweets Target individuals who have Now you can retarget anyone These are the people you already visited your website. who’s watched your video, already know are interested. All you have to do is install liked a Tweet, or engaged Identify them based on Twitter’s pixel. with your organic/promoted emails, Twitter IDs, or mobile content within a certain advertising IDs. You can also For detailed instructions on timeframe. work through an Audience how to do this, visit our Partner to import existing Custom Audiences for Web customer audiences directly page that has step-by-step into your Ads account. instructions. Reconnect with them or exclude them to focus on new acquisition. Look-alikes targeting Core audience & existing connections Expand the audience you’ve that like, act, and engage the created using Core Audiences and way your existing customers do. Existing Connections using Look- This is the best way to scale Look-alike alikes. These are brand new your campaigns. audiences people Pro Tip #2 Have more questions about targeting? Visit our detailed Q&As on: Device targeting | Geo, gender, and language targeting | Interest and follower targeting | Keyword targeting | Custom Audiences 18

Video Views Objective Playbook - Page 18

Audience targeting Other Targeting Tips to optimize your campaign Target with focus Creating campaigns with focused, relevant targeting means you have a higher chance to serve to audiences who are interested and likely to view with your ad. Too large an audience will decrease the chances of the ad being relevant to users. That being said, targeting too small an audience will limit the users who are eligible to see your ad. Use the campaign forecaster tool within the campaign setup form to see if your targeting parameters are focused but not limited. Increase your video reach Test running your pre-roll across a wide range of content categories in order to increase your reach and only stick to a few key targeting criteria to make sure you don’t limit your reach. Vary targeting between campaigns If you have more than one campaign targeting very similar audiences, your performance can suffer since your campaigns are essentially competing between each other for serve. Break out mobile vs. desktop targeting Mobile is a fundamentally different medium than desktop, characterized by frequent quick sessions and spur-of-the-moment spikes in purchase intent. Because of this, we recommend running separate campaigns each targeting mobile and desktop separately. This lets you test and learn the nuanced behaviors for each. Play around! One of the most important things you can do to drive continued campaign performance is to test what works for you and your campaigns. While it makes sense to run always-on campaigns, you’ll want to continually refresh and optimize your campaigns, given Twitter’s ever-changing, real-time nature. Remove low performing keywords, interests, and handles, and replace them with ones that are similar to the high performing ones. 19

Campaign Pro Tips The best way to know if your campaign’s working? Try things out. Start a few campaigns, one for each marketing initiative, so you can get a sense of what works best. Test, iterate, win. Below are some insider tips for maximizing your campaign’s performance. Auto-bid Follow creative Try different videos Start with auto-bid to see best practices Vary your video creative how ads perform in the A great way to maximize to see what’s working. auction. your results. Vary ad formats Go broad Don’t over optimize Using 3-5 different ad Target as broad as possible, Resist temptation to over- formats drives the best utilizing look-alikes, optimize. After edits, wait brand lift. Remember, the keywords, interests, 2-3 days to allow learnings same creative from a conversation topics, to progress. standard Tweet can be retargeting, and expand turned into a website card. your audience features. We’ve got your back. Our systems will automatically serve your best performing ads to the people you want to see them. Plus, we’re here to talk campaign strategy and effective ways to reach your key demo. 20

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How to get started How to set up a Video Views campaign 01 Log into your Twitter ads account. 02 Click "Create campaign" in the top right corner of your Ads Manager. 21

How to get started 03 Choose "Video Views" from the list of campaign objectives. 04 Create a campaign name. This won’t be public. We recommend you use a descriptive name for ease in reporting, ie: audience targeted, creative, etc. 05 Choose the proper Funding Source and input your Daily and Total campaign budgets. Set start date and (optional) end date. • We recommend longer flights to achieve greater CPV efficiencies. Set parameters for your ad group(s). • Ensure to only select “Accelerated Pacing” if you have a very short flight with more flexible cost ranges 22

How to get started 06 Next, you'll set up your first ad group. You can also set ad group start and end time. 07 Select the bid type you'd Automatic bid: Maximum bid: like to use in your Your bid will auto-optimize to This type provides greater control campaign: get the best results at the lowest over how much you pay per video price (within your budget). view. In this bid type you can Automatic bid is the easiest way choose exactly how much you are to quickly get your campaigns willing to pay for a video view live and serving impressions on (your maximum bid), and your the platform results will not be charged over this price. This bid type is helpful for experienced advertisers who know exactly how much they’re looking to pay per video view at scale. 23

How to get started 08 Select the bid unit you'd like to use in your campaign: A B C Per 6s video view Per video view: Per 3s/100% video (Recommended): A "video view" is when your view: A "6s video view" is when video is watched in 50% A "3s/100% video view" is your video is watched at view for 2 seconds or more, when your video is 50% view for 6 seconds or or when someone clicks to watched in 100% view for more, or when someone expand/unmute your video. 3 seconds or more, or expands or unmutes your This is considered an when someone expands video. Retargeting on 6s industry standard view. or unmutes your video. video views is not yet available. 24

How to get started 09 Select the audience you'd like your ads to be served to in the "Targeting" tab. Learn more about our targeting options. 10 Choose the Tweets you'd like in your campaign. You can also customize the Twitter locations you'd like your Tweets to serve. 25

How to get started 11 Review your final campaign setup on the "Review & Complete" tab. If you'd like to add additional ad groups to your campaign, you can do that here. 12 Launch your Video Views Campaign! 26

Measuring results Metrics in ads manager Navigate to your Ads Manager to see your results. Filter the date Key metrics range in the top right corner to see key metrics such as total spend, to track results, cost per result, and result rate. Your "result" will be either video views, 3s/100% views, or 6s views, depending on what you • Cost per video view chose during campaign setup. • Video Views • Total Spend A video view is when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 • Total Audience Reach seconds or more, or when someone clicks to expand or unmute your • Video Completions video. A 3s/100% view is when your video is watched in 100% view for 3 seconds or more, or when someone expands or unmutes your video. A 6s view is when your video is watched in 50% view for 6 Ad level: seconds or more, or when someone expands or unmutes your video. What Tweets are performing best? Are there any common themes around creative and/ or copy? If so, consider creating more Tweets like these to add to the campaign. What Tweets are underperforming? Consider turning these off. Available video measurement studies: Ad group level: Brand Surveys help you Viewability Reporting helps you understand if your campaign is understand how many Is there an ad group driving mass awareness by impressions were actually seen by performing better than understanding the brand lift a user. Metrics include In-View others? Why is that? between those who have seen Ads, Viewability by Quartile, and your ad and those who have not. more. Audience level: Metrics include Awareness, Recall, What audiences are your Consideration, and more. Marketing Mix Modeling helps Tweets resonating with you quantify your ROI across most? Incremental Reach Measurement channels by using multiple helps you understand the marketing inputs on sales and incremental reach of Twitter market shares. Twitter can help beyond TV and illustrate the added support the data transfer from frequency or media impact of your campaigns. Additionally, we Twitter and TV. Metrics include can interpret, contextualize, and Incremental Reach on Twitter, analyze client results to identify Cost per Reach Point, and more. recommendations to improve performance. *Study feasibility, minimum spend and availability of solutions and partners vary by market. Please chat with your Twitter Client Partner for more details. You can find all of Twitter’s measurement solutions here. 27

Troubleshooting + FAQs Why should I run a Video Views Can I delete a video I’ve already campaign? Tweeted? We’ve seen an 84% year over year increase in watch Yes, you can delete a media asset after it has been time and our user base is steadily growing as well. Tweeted. This can be done from the UI by clicking People come to Twitter with a discovery mindset, the found at the bottom of each thumbnail included and relevant videos are the perfect way to catch in your Library. If you are deleting an already Tweeted their eye. media asset, we recommend that you also delete the Learn more about video on Twitter. Tweet from Twitter. Otherwise users will receive an error saying that the media asset cannot be viewed/ What is autoplay? played. Autoplaying means that the video will be I'm receiving an "Upload failed" error immediately shown to the user without audio. When your video is at least 1% in view, it will begin If you're experiencing issues with your video autoplaying. uploading and/or processing, follow these steps: Keep in mind, we only charge in this campaign 1. Confirm your video is within our required objective when someone views 2 seconds of specifications. Does your video file have playback in 50% view in the timeline, or click to the correct video and audio codecs? the watch in fullscreen or unmute, whichever comes right frame rate? is your file too large? first. The same goes for 3s/100% views. We'll 2. Try uploading your video on a different charge when someone views 3 seconds of playback wifi network. The faster the wifi speed, the in 100% view in the timeline, or a click to watch in greater chance the video will upload. fullscreen or unmute, whichever comes first. 3. Re-export your video file in a smaller size. An easy way to do this is to reduce the Do Promoted Videos loop? bitrate. Even if your file is under our All videos posted to Twitter that are 60 seconds or maximum size, we may still have issues shorter will automatically loop. This also applies to ingesting the file. Reducing the size of the all Promoted Videos. file reduces the time of the upload, maximizing your chances for success. If you're still having issues, please file a support Will sound be enabled when ticket. videos are clicked to play? Yes, any sound in your video will play back upon a user’s click or tap. 28

Troubleshooting + FAQs I'm receiving a "Video too long" error I'm receiving an error when I input At this time, videos uploaded by self-serve my CTA link advertisers must be no longer than 2 minutes and Make sure there is no protocol referenced at the 20 seconds. If you attempt to upload a video longer beginning of the URL (like http or https). If your link than this, you will receive an error. does not work with http, try https. Next, ensure that there are no special characters in the URL. Certain advertisers may qualify for whitelisting for Special characters often used in URLs are pipes longer video uploads. Please file a support and square brackets, both of which are not ticket to see if you qualify. accepted in Media Studio. Lastly, please check that your CTA is within the 255 character link limit. My video shows a "The media could not be played" error when I view it in a Tweet If you see a "The media could not be played" error in a video that you've already Tweeted, it means that the original video has been deleted from your Media Studio. At this time, there is no way to un-delete a video from your Media Studio. You will need to upload a replacement video and create the Tweet again. 29

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