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Straight Through Processing - Document Automation Takinga Whyis Straight Through NewApproach Processing(STP) important? The reality is that complex processes with many potential areas of failure, especially those that involve document-based Certainly, it is the gains that information, are more likely to be approached as attended STPoffers in helping to automation.Thiswillremaintrueunlesswecanbreakfreeofthe eliminate data entry, but STP concept of the page-based mentality, and separate the data fromthemodalityinwhichthedatahappenstobe presented. also eliminatesthe need to manually verify the data At Parascript, we practically invented the concept of data- entry. In the first section, we element level automation to achieve high levels of process discussed the two maintypes efficiencyand cost savings. of automation, attended and unattended and the appropriateuse cases for each. This section focuses on STP, why it is important in process automation and what it can do for your organization. 9

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