Intro Power Inclusive Future For All FY23 Purpose Report | 60 Looking Ahead Highlights of our progress Fiscal years 2020 through 2023 (FY20-FY23). FY20 is the base year for metrics that are not year-over-year. By FY25: Social Justice Action 1, Support By FY24: Social Justice Action 7, Supplier By FY25: Social Justice Action 10, Diversify our community partnerships, legislation, and engagement: Double how much we spend partner ecosystem: Commit US$50 million to advocacy: Donate US$5 million to AA/B nonpro昀椀t with diverse suppliers and receive reporting increase the diversity in our partner ecosystem organizations advocating for equity and justice. on diversity metrics from 95% of our by increasing the number of AA/B-owned 1 US$4 million donated between FY20 and FY23 preferred suppliers. technology companies and increasing 108% increase in diverse supplier spend opportunities to accelerate the 昀椀nancial growth By FY23: Social Justice Action 2, Increase between FY20 and FY23 of AA/B-owned partners. representation: Achieve a 25% increase in 88% of preferred suppliers reported diversity Increased AA/B-owned companies in our representation of all employees who self-identify metrics in FY23 partner ecosystem as AA/B from entry level through manager and a Special focus on 17 Acceleration partners 75% increase in representation from Director to By FY25: Social Justice Action 8, Commit to VP+ level, by expanding our diverse talent pipeline. HBCUs: Commit US$150 million to preserve the By FY25: Social Justice Action 11, Invest in next ACHIEVED. legacy and sustainability of HBCUs, with US$50 generation tech innovation: Invest 73% increase (entry level through manager) million to fund science, technology, engineering, US$50 million in startups and venture 103% increase (Director) and mathematics (STEM) education and US$100 funds led by diverse leaders. million to drive technology modernization. Ongoing investment in startups and venture funds 240% increase (Vice President and above) US$37.5 million spent on STEM education led by BIPOC, Latinx, and female leaders US$66 million spent on technology upgrades Learn more about our Social Justice Actions. ESG Note: Progress against all goals listed by 昀椀scal year is measured through the end of the 昀椀scal year, unless otherwise noted. Reporting Hub 1 The timeframe for this goal is calendar year 2023.
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