Intro Power Inclusive Future For All FY23 Purpose Report | 61 Looking Ahead Partnering for Purpose Partnering for Purpose is an initiative that was launched at Cisco ● Over 1300 volunteer hours accumulated during a week of give-back Partner Summit in November 2022. It aligns with our commitment activities that involved multiple partners in the United States, for an inclusive future and makes it easier for our partners, customers, Canada, and Latin America and suppliers around the world to collaborate with us in order to ● The many partners engaged in our new Allied Partner model who accelerate and amplify our collective positive impact around the world. are mentoring minority-owned businesses and working together to build their own diverse companies and cultures Since launch, we’ve seen it grow into a movement that includes our partners and Cisco sharing best practices and collaborating in It is ful昀椀lling to see how purpose is playing a signi昀椀cant role in the ways Public policy and advocacy in which our partners drive innovation. This was demonstrated through di昀昀erent ways to amplify and grow this work together. We’ve seen the many purpose-driven submissions received in the new Partnering actions big and small that all help to drive our purpose such as: for Purpose category of the 2023 Global Partner Innovation Challenge. Cisco develops and advocates for pro-technology ● ePlus working with Cisco and its own customers to provide policies and regulations. We engage with digital skills training for over 300 middle school girls through The winners in this category included: governments at all levels, focusing on public their successful Girls Re-Imagining Tomorrow (GRIT) program ● Long View Systems in Canada and Kiw One in Spain for policies that support Cisco, our partners, and innovations addressing environmental sustainability, helping their our customers, as well as enabling our purpose customers achieve their ESG objectives and net-zero targets to Power an Inclusive Future for All. Visit our Championing sustainability through ● Connect Professional Services in Egypt for innovation leveraging Government A昀昀airs website for more information professional excellence technology to address the access to healthcare in remote areas on our policy priorities, including: ● LiteScape Technologies in the United States for their innovation ● Unlocking the power of the Internet in ensuring vulnerable and marginalized populations can stay Cisco and Ingram Micro united to launch the 昀椀rst Cisco Partnering ● Supporting sustainability connected to family and loved ones for Purpose Initiative in Australia: Blackbelt Certi昀椀cation for a ● Free trade and inclusive trade policies Better Future. Both companies pledged donations to Planet These inspiring submissions not only highlight the ingenuity and ● Investing in people and knowledge innovative spirit of Cisco’s partners, but also show how doing good is Ark, an Australian environmental nonpro昀椀t, for every Black Belt ● Preserving an open Internet good business when we create a lasting, positive impact on the world Sustainability Certi昀椀cation completed. The initiative surpassed around us. ● Protecting innovation its goal with 202 Black Belt Sustainability Certi昀椀cates issued, representing a 154 percent increase in Cisco Environmental ● Promoting investment Sustainability Specialized Partners and a AU$40,000 donation ● Security against evolving threats Get involved with Partnering for Purpose. to Planet Ark. The increase in certi昀椀cations and specializations ● Building next-generation wireless networks translates into more skilled people designing more environmental savvy solutions for our customers. ESG Reporting Hub
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