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Intro Power Inclusive Future For All FY23 Purpose Report | 56 Looking Ahead A more secure future When Camilla Ngala Timfe was a teenager in Cameroon, she would go to a cyber café to spend time on the Internet. Years later, when she immigrated to the United States with her two young children, she continued to explore Knowledge is her interest in technology, and particularly in online safety. Soon, she power. When you enrolled in the Cisco Networking Academy Program at the Community know what you’re College of Baltimore County. doing, it gives While juggling part-time work at night to support her family, Camilla you con昀椀dence.” - Camilla Ngala Timfe embraced the program, honing her skills and gaining con昀椀dence. She found the concise course topics and manageable practice sessions especially bene昀椀cial for reskilling into the IT industry. She also appreciated the practicality of tools like Cisco Packet Tracer, which enables users to construct virtual networks, input commands, and verify connectivity. Of particular value was the knowledge she acquired around networking. “If you don’t know how the network works, you won’t know how to protect the data,” Camilla explained. “In cybersecurity, knowledge of the network and networking itself is very important.” Leveraging her networking foundation to excel in her career, she evolved from an intern to a security analyst for a 昀椀nancial consulting 昀椀rm. “Cisco Cisco Networking Academy Networking Academy has been a critical part of my career progression,” partners with nearly half of Camilla re昀氀ected. “Without the networking knowledge that I got from the all community colleges in program, I wouldn’t be able to impact my teams the way I have. My career growth wouldn’t have been what it was.” the United States

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