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Intro Power Inclusive Future For All FY23 Purpose Report | 57 Looking Ahead Elevating K-12 education and teacher professional development Cisco and the Cisco Foundation invest in early stage, technology and reinforce learning. This platform encourages learners to share enabled, replicable, and scalable education solutions. These and remix their code projects in a safe, secure, and moderated solutions expand digital inclusion for all children and positively environment. Our investments resulted in 406,000 youth in 2022 impact attendance, behavior, and course outcomes. We partner with demonstrating evidence of learning in computer science. NGOs around the world to tackle pressing issues, including bridging student learning gaps caused by pandemic-related school closures, Cisco also joined forces with CommonLit, a nonpro昀椀t focused on increasing female participation in STEM subjects, and supporting improving literacy, to expand access to free digital reading and writing teacher capacity-building in lower-income countries. For example, the lessons, create distance learning resources, and train teachers in best Cisco Foundation partnered with ed-tech startup Darsel to address practices for vulnerable students in low-income schools. CommonLit’s Advancing gender equality in tech math education challenges in Jordan, where six in 10 students impact has been signi昀椀cant, with operations spanning over 88,000 schools in the United States and 195 countries and territories, lack math pro昀椀ciency, due in part to lack of access to quali昀椀ed math reaching almost 7 million students in English and Spanish. Launched in 2014, the Women Rock-IT program teachers and technology. Darsel’s AI-powered personalized learning addresses gender disparity in tech by encouraging and chatbot has engaged over 2000 seventh-grade math teachers and enabling young women to pursue careers in STEM 昀椀elds. bene昀椀ted more than 50,000 students, leading to national adoption in COMMONLIT'S IMPACT At the 2023 event for International Girls in ICT Day, our Jordan and ongoing expansion in India and Nigeria. focus was on women using technology to address climate We partner with the Raspberry Pi Foundation to support Code Club 7 million change and protect the planet. The virtual broadcast had over 5000 live viewers and included a Learn-A-Thon World, a free online platform that helps children ages 9 to 13 learn students positively impacted per year focused on cybersecurity in 41 countries. More than to code and be creative using digital technology. Reaching over across the United States and Latin America 200 Cisco volunteers worldwide facilitated live events 3 million students annually, with an emphasis on female participation and career talks. Visit Women Rock-IT to learn more. and focused country engagements in Kenya, South Africa, and Accelerated learning gains up to 2x the India, students use Code Club World to engage in hands-on coding academic year average projects, earn badges, and complete quiz features to demonstrate WOMEN ROCK-IT IMPACT SINCE 2014 2 million+ 91 participants live broadcasts 974,000+ 156 course enrollments speakers

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