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INCLUSIVE GROWTH Supporting Nonpro昀椀ts Focused on Black Women Goldman Sachs Foundation initiated community grants to Black women-led nonpro昀椀ts across One Million Black Women areas with both national and local impact. NATIONAL Birth Center Equity Black Girls Breathing Buy From a Black Woman Growing and sustaining birth centers led Addressing systemic issues impacting Providing support for website redevelopment and by Black, Indigenous, people of color by Black women’s and girls’ health technical assistance to help promote and amplify innovating full-spectrum capital approaches outcomes by providing free and Black women-owned businesses and building vibrant community birth accessible mental healthcare resources infrastructure for generations to come while 昀椀lling the gap on data and research available on this demographic BlackFem The Sadie Collective Prosp(a)rity Project Partnering with governments and communities Supporting Black girls’ participation in Funding the development of the 35*2 Free to dismantle inequities and rebuild policies economics and journey toward becoming Initiative, which provides personalized 昀椀nancial to maximize the 昀椀nancial potential of Black economists, leveraging partnerships with coaching and retroactive scholarships for women and their communities the New York Fed and broader community of “Prosperettes” to help manage student loan debt Black women economists and improve socioeconomic trajectories Jeremiah Program Helping single mothers invest in themselves so they can thrive and take steps toward economic mobility through access to higher education, a昀昀ordable child care, housing, skills training, and career development LOCAL Columbus Urban League The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio Springboard to Opportunities: Columbus, Ohio Ohio Magnolia Mother’s Trust Funding the pilot launch of “Incubate Her,” Funding the “Enduring Progress Initiative” Jackson, Mississippi which will improve the economic health and to 昀椀ll the systemic funding gap faced by Funding the next iteration of the Magnolia Mother’s outlook for Black women in Central Ohio nonpro昀椀ts led by women of color Trust program, which provides Black mothers living in extreme poverty with a $1,000 monthly stipend Corner to Corner Nashville, Tennessee The Fund for the School District of Philadelphia Crittenton Services of Greater Washington Helping underestimated entrepreneurs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Washington, D.C. Nashville plan, start, and grow their own small Increasing the hiring and retention of BIPOC Supporting the social and emotional skills businesses teachers working in Philadelphia schools development of middle- and high-school girls from low-income families to help them complete college and become economically secure SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 IInncclluussiive Gve Grroowwtth | Oh | Onne Me Milliilolion Bn Blalacck Wk Woommeenn 6161

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