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INCLUSIVE GROWTH Black Women Impact Grants and Black in Business In direct response to input received from nearly 20,000 Black women and girls, we announced two new programs as part of One Million Black Women: Black Women Impact Grants, providing multiyear funding for Black women nonpro昀椀t leaders, and Black in Business, providing business education for Black women sole proprietors across the US. Growing a Business Supporting Black women-led nonpro昀椀ts Black Women Impact (BWI) Grants Program Black in Business Black Women Impact Grants is a $10 million grant program Black in Business leverages our decade-long track record of with an open call application process for Black women-led 10,000 Small Businesses, with which we’ve supported the charitable nonpro昀椀ts in the US. The program will support growth of over 12,000 small businesses across the US. Black community-driven nonpro昀椀t organizations created by and for in Business is designed speci昀椀cally to help Black women Black women and girls. Fifty Black women-led organizations sole proprietors unlock their future, their power, and their will receive general operating funding ranging from $50,000 wealth. to $250,000 over two years. The program provides Black women sole proprietors with the tools necessary to turn their business potential into business growth. The 12-week education program provides business education, advisory services, and a powerful network of like- minded business owners. “Across the country we’re seeing that the women who are most impacted by systemic inequities are the very ones spearheading movements to create positive change in our communities. For far too long, these leaders have been under-resourced and underfunded. It’s time for that to change. This new program will provide multiyear funding and resources to lift up Black women-led nonpro昀椀ts working for lasting change and help to narrow opportunity gaps for Black women across America.” DARREN WALKER President, Ford Foundation, and One Million Black Women SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 IInncclluussiive Gve Grroowwtth | Oh | Onne Me Miilllliioon Bn Bllaacck Wk Woommeenn 62 Advisory Council Member 62

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