INCLUSIVE GROWTH De昀椀ning and Executing on Our Strategy In line with our broader approach to sustainability, our approach to inclusive growth is grounded in the areas where we believe we as a 昀椀nancial institution can drive the most material impact — our work with clients and investments; our own organization, operations, and footprint; and how we tackle gaps we cannot address on our own through partnerships, policy, and philanthropy. Commercial Work With Clients THREE CORE ELEMENTS OF INCLUSIVE GROWTH Expanding access Increasing a昀昀ordability Driving outcomes COMMERCIAL LEVERS TO ADVANCE INCLUSIVE GROWTH 1 4 Technology that’s integrated into businesses can Power of data can provide new ways to direct enable them to reach more people, at lower cost, capital to traditionally underserved populations with greater speed, and with more impact. or support investors in advancing their goals. 2 5 Business model innovations can 昀椀nd alternative Commitment and leadership to set an ambition revenue models to support impactful products or and apply the drive, resources, and creativity to services in cases where communities may not be make progress creates the potential for greater able to pay for them directly. long-term impact. 3 Supporting the public sector can drive government funding for services or catalyze capital markets innovation for inclusive growth. Sustainability Report 2021 Inclusive Growth | De昀椀ning and Executing on Our Strategy 63
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