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KEY METRICS & INDICATORS Topic Accounting Metric Category Code Response Asset management & custody activities We believe our clients are best served by having a clear understanding of how we work together, the capacities in which we act, and the fees we charge. In addition to contracts for products and services, as well as regulatory disclosures, we provide Wealth Management clients a Transparent comprehensive brochure outlining the Information & Description of approach to Discussion FN-AC- services we provide and the related fee Fair Advice for informing customers about and Analysis 270a.3 structures, including how their advisor is Customers products and services compensated for each type of service and fee. Please also refer to the Business Standards Committee Impact Report and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Risk Factors detailed on pages 29–55 of our 2021 Form 10-K for additional 昀椀rmwide information. As of December 31, 2021, Goldman Amount of assets under Sachs Asset Management supervises management, by asset class, $302.9 billion in strategies where ESG that employ (1) integration or sustainability factors are an important of environmental, social, and Quantitative FN-AC-410a.1 component, and $94 billion in separate governance (ESG) issues, (2) accounts with values-driven screens, sustainability-themed investing, bringing our total fee-based AUS to $396.9 and (3) screening billion in ESG and impact strategies. Incorporation See our website for further information. of ESG Factors in Please refer to the Goldman Sachs Asset Investment Description of approach to Management Statement on ESG and Management incorporation of environmental, Impact Investing, which outlines Asset and Advisory social, and governance (ESG) Discussion Management’s commitment to ESG and factors in investment and/or and Analysis FN-AC-410a.2 impact investing, the approaches taken wealth management processes across asset classes and investment and strategies strategies, and our capabilities we bring to bear for our clients. Description of proxy voting and Discussion Goldman Sachs Asset Management investee engagement policies and Analysis FN-AC-410a.3 Stewardship Report and procedures SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 KKeey My Meettrriiccs & Is & Innddiiccatatoorrs | Ss ASB Index 102

Goldman Sachs sustainability report - Page 102 Goldman Sachs sustainability report Page 101 Page 103