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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES GRI STANDARD DISCLOSURE EXPLANATION MATERIAL TOPICS GRI 3: Material 3-1  Process to determine material topics In 2022, we conducted a new materiality assessment with a third party to help us understand the ESG issues that are most signi昀椀cant Topics 2021 to our business and our stakeholders. During this process, we analyzed a wide range of inputs to identify our sustainability-related focus areas, risks, and opportunities. These inputs included leading global reporting guidelines, information disclosed by our industry peers, relevant market trends, criteria from our business strategy, and perspectives and feedback received from our investors, customers, suppliers, employees, and ESG rating agencies. The resulting ESG topics were evaluated and validated by our leadership team. 3-2  List of material topics Environmental Social Governance •  Climate change •  Inclusion, diversity, and equity •  Risk excellence •  Energy and emissions •  Employee health and safety • Business ethics, integrity, and transparency •  Water and waste • Employee experience • Data privacy and cybersecurity •  Products with Impact • Community impact • Product quality and safety • Supply chain responsibility •  Human rights in the workplace and value chain CLIMATE CHANGE GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of material topics To address the impacts climate change poses for our business, we focus on mitigating our own carbon footprint and continuously Topics 2021 assess relevant climate-related risks and opportunities. For a comprehensive description of our management of climate change risks and opportunities, view our TCFD responses on page 82. In addition, we disclose our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data and GRI 201 Economic 201-2  Financial implications and other management of climate change risks and opportunities in our annual CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) Climate Change Performance risks and opportunities due to questionnaire. To view our most recent CDP response, visit Hubbell’s 2022 CDP Climate Change disclosure. 2016 climate change ENERGY AND EMISSIONS GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of material topics Our most signi昀椀cant environmental impacts are associated with the energy we consume, the GHGs we emit, the water we use, and the Topics 2021 waste we generate in our operations. To help us manage these impacts, we track and review our relevant environmental data; establish targets for reducing energy use, GHG emissions, and water; and implement initiatives that improve our environmental performance. In 2022, we implemented a new environmental data software solution to help us manage our environmental metrics. This tool comprehensively captures energy use, GHG emissions, water usage, and waste generation from our facilities worldwide, enabling us to explore and identify opportunities to reduce the environmental footprint of our operations. In 2023, we also established a new GHG emissions goal to reduce our absolute Scope 1 and 2 by 30% by 2030 compared to a 2021 baseline. Our new goal will guide our emission reduction e昀昀orts and provide a measurable target to track our progress. Our energy and emissions related reduction activities include, for example, implementing lighting retro昀椀ts, replacing equipment with higher energy e昀케ciency models, and utilizing renewable energy sources. We also routinely analyze our environmental policies and procedures to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. Moreover, our sites utilize Hubbell’s Environmental Management System and Sustainability and Infrastructure Management Handbook for guidance on improving the e昀케ciency and sustainability of our facilities. 67

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