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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES Our material ESG topics are increasingly interconnected and can often impact each other. As such, they should not be viewed in isolation. The results of our materiality assessment inform our sustainability strategy, goals, and initiatives. As our ESG program continues to develop and HUBBELL MATERIALITY MATRIX (TOP 14 TOPICS) mature, our sustainability team will regularly review our ESG priorities to ensure our strategy The following 14 topics resulted from the 2023 Materiality Assessment. MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT remains aligned with the areas that are meaningful for our company and stakeholders. It is imperative to our business that we focus our sustainability strategy and initiatives on the ESG topics that are most important and relevant to our company Climate change and stakeholders. To that end, in 2022 we Inclusion, diversity, recon昀椀rmed our ESG priorities since the last and equity time we performed a materiality assessment Energy and was in 2020. For this process, we: emissions Business ethics, integrity, Conducted peer and industry research and transparency to analyze and align on an initial list of relevant topics. AKEHOLDERS Interviewed, surveyed, and gathered T Products with Impact Risk excellence perspectives from internal and external stakeholders, including employees, Human rights in investors, customers, suppliers, and ESG the workplace rating agencies to re昀椀ne the issues list. Supply chain and value chain Data privacy and Scored, prioritized, and ranked the topics O EXTERNAL S responsibility cybersecurity based on criteria from our business strategy, leading global reporting Employee guidelines, relevant market trends, and Community experience Employee health other salient inputs. impact and safety Validated the resulting ESG topics and SIGNIFICANCE T materiality matrix with Hubbell’s ESG Steering Committee and leadership team. Water and waste Product quality and safety SIGNIFICANCE TO HUBBELL Environmental Social Governance 10

Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report - Page 10 Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report Page 9 Page 11