MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES HUBBELL’S ESG VISION Solve critical challenges for our customers, SUSTAINABILITY communities, and climate. STRATEGY Deliver products and solutions that enable critical We view embedding sustainability into our business as a continuous endeavor that requires ESG MISSION infrastructure to serve stakeholders e昀케 ciently, evolving our program to improve our ability to safely, reliably, and sustainably. drive positive impact. To that end, in 2022, we created a new ESG Framework to represent our sustainability strategy, propelling Hubbell forward on our journey of delivering sustainable outcomes for our business, customers, communities, investors, and suppliers. SERVE OPERATE GROW DEVELOP Our ESG Framework, which is comprised of our ESG Vision, ESG Mission, Hubbell's Strategic TEGIC PILLARS OUR WITH THE OUR Pillars, and our ESG Objectives, guides our CUSTOMERS DISCIPLINE ENTERPRISE PEOPLE approach to sustainability across our enterprise. TRA At the strategic level, our ESG Vision, ESG S Mission, and Strategic Pillars guide our ESG program and initiatives. At the tactical level, Develop Manage Address climate Deliver a our ESG Objectives center our focus on how high quality and reduce change through world-class our products and solutions, operations, and and safe the impacts products and employee people can create value for our stakeholders and planet. Our ESG Objectives also support products of our solutions that experience our Strategic Pillars, since sustainability is part for our operations support the while advancing of our business strategy. In the years ahead, customers and value transition to inclusion, our ESG Framework will help us develop that solve chain. a low-carbon diversity, and impactful programs and initiatives to improve critical and resilient equity principles our performance, advance progress toward ESG OBJECTIVESchallenges. economy. in our workforce. our goals, and ultimately, shape a resilient and sustainable future. 11
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