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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES Using our new water goal, we intend to conduct water audits, identify reduction opportunities, and implement measures that increase water e昀케ciency across our global facilities. WATER STEWARDSHIP WATER USAGE, 2019–2022 IN THE WHITE MOUNTAINS We are proud to have a facility WATER USAGE (KGAL)1,2,3 2019 2020 2021 2022 located in the heart of the White Total Water Usage 178,780 154,601 141,530 123,088 Mountains National Forest in New Hampshire and focus on being good Water intensity per million dollars 45 42 34 25 stewards to the local ecosystem. To of sales (kgal/$M of net sales) that end, our facility employs a state- of-the-art water treatment system to ensure the water we discharge not Water Inventory Footnotes: only meets, but exceeds, the local 1.  Hubbell reports all water usage from our wholly owned companies’ leased and owned manufacturing, warehouse, and o昀케ce facilities worldwide. The water usage of consolidated joint operations are included pro rata, based on our 50% interest. Water usage for select sites where Hubbell does water quality requirements. This site not pay the utility bill (i.e., primarily tenant-shared o昀케ce space) is excluded from the reported water usage. Estimates are used where primary data has also implemented water e昀케ciency is not available. Water usage is reported in kilogallons (kgal). measures within its production 2.  In 2022, we completed our implementation of a software solution that enables us to track water usage across our enterprise. This led to an improvement in our data measurement methodology and the number of sites and sources included in our inventory. As a result, we restated our process to help us lower our impact historical water usage. on the nearby watershed. 3.  Hubbell established a threshold for signi昀椀cance of 5% or greater in Hubbell’s total base-year water usage for the company’s rebaseline policy. While our new environmental goals reference a 2022 baseline, we applied this policy to our 2019-2021 historical data to help us track Hubbell’s environmental reduction progress over time. In October 2021, Hubbell initiated the sale of its Commercial and Industrial Lighting business, which was completed in 2022. This divestment triggered our rebaseline policy and our restated historical data re昀氀ects this recalculation. In addition, Hubbell grew its business with acquisitions in the second half of 2022 - PCX Holdings LLC, Ripley Tools, and REF Automation. These acquisitions did not trigger our rebaseline policy for historical data, however these sites are included in our inventory for 2022 onward. 29

Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report - Page 29 Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report Page 28 Page 30