MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES WASTE MINIMIZATION ESTABLISHING A As a business, Hubbell is IN 2022 NEW WASTE GOAL also committed to 30% responsible consumption We completed our Reduce hazardous and production, which waste and recycling waste generation includes managing and minimizing our waste generation. In data inventory, by 30% by 20301 addition to pursuing measures that comprehensively reduce the amount of waste we dispose at our facilities, we also capturing waste recover, reuse, and recycle byproducts, such as scrap metals, activities across our 1. Goals are compared to a 2022 baseline. and other surplus materials in our global manufacturing, operations whenever feasible. When not feasible, we responsibly dispose warehouse, and o昀케ce of waste materials and encourage our facilities to identify new ways to facilities. reduce waste throughout our IN 2022 manufacturing processes. We also established a new waste However, to minimize waste target focused on reducing our 316K We recycled 316,047 generation more e昀昀ectively and hazardous waste by 30% by 2030, tons of material intentionally, in 2020 we began compared to a 2022 baseline. TONS aggregating our enterprise-wide Using our new goal and waste and across our facilities, waste and recycling data, which recycling inventory, we will identify representing a waste historically had been handled at the and pursue new opportunities to site level. reduce waste generated at our sites. diversion rate of 92% 30
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