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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES BUSINESS ETHICS ENSURING COMPLIANCE Our ethics and compliance program is underpinned by AND INTEGRITY our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code). The Code provides a framework for ethical and honest behavior that uni昀椀es our employees under the same As a business, we are dedicated to upholding values, principles, and expectations. As a guide, it sets high standards of ethics grounded in the standards for how our employees conduct business and interact with stakeholders and each other, covering values of integrity, transparency, and fairness areas such as con昀氀icts of interest, and believe maintaining these standards is bribery and corruption, records management, and discrimination the responsibility of everyone at Hubbell. and harassment in the workplace. All employees and directors are expected Through the implementation of policies, governance, training, and to comply with the tenets of the reporting mechanisms, we cultivate an ethical culture across all Code, and we hold our third-party levels of our business that drives forward ethical business conduct business partners accountable to and compliance with the law. adhere to these same tenets. We also require our employees to read and certify to the Code after the new hire onboarding process and re-certify to the Code on an annual basis. Hubbell has been We are devoted to maintaining recognized as one of our ethical standards and ensuring the 2023 World’s Most compliance across our company. Our team of compliance professionals, Ethical Companies by led by our Chief Compliance O昀케cer Ethisphere. This is the (CCO), is responsible for monitoring and evaluating compliance matters. third year our company has received Throughout the year, our Internal this honor, re昀氀ecting our ongoing Audit group regularly conducts over 40 compliance-related audits commitment to operating with integrity and reports any ethical matters or concerns to the Compliance Review Committee. Our CCO also provides updates to our Board’s and upholding high standards of ethical Audit Committee on a range of compliance-related matters, including business conduct. the results of internal audit activities, our performance compared to benchmarking trends, the results of our annual ERM assessment, and Code of Conduct awareness initiatives. 58

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