MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES GRI STANDARD DISCLOSURE EXPLANATION GENERAL DISCLOSURES GRI 2: General 2-7 Employees REPORTING PERIOD: JANUARY 1, 2022– DECEMBER 31, 2022 Disclosures 2021 2-8 Workers who are not employees GLOBAL TOTAL FEMALE MALE US-BASED OUTSIDE US 1 Total Employees (headcount/Full-Time 16,323 5,210 11,113 9,809 6,514 Equivalent (FTE)) 1 Full-Time Employees (headcount/FTE) 16,241 5,173 11,068 9,753 6,488 Part-Time Employees (headcount/FTE) 82 37 45 56 26 Workers Who Are Not Employees2 735 1. This is a global 2022 headcount that includes our joint venture employees. It does not include contingent workers and contractors. 2. Our 2022 workers who are not employees includes contingent workers and contractors. 2-9 Governance structure and Hubbell's Board provides the highest level of oversight for Hubbell’s strategy, performance, and enterprise risks, as outlined in the composition Board’s Corporate Governance Guidelines. Hubbell’s Board has 昀椀ve committees and nine Directors, including Gerben Bakker, Hubbell’s Chairman, President and Chief Executive O昀케cer (CEO). Eight of our nine Directors are independent, and all Board committees, except the Executive Committee, consist entirely of independent Directors. All Directors adhere to the Board’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, Committee Charters, and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. A full description of the Board’s responsibilities, as well as Director biographies and tenure, are available in our 2022 Annual Report and Proxy Statement available on Hubbell’s website. 2-10 Nomination and selection of the Our Board's Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee (NCGC) works with the Board at least annually to determine the highest governance body appropriate characteristics, skills, and experience for the Board and its individual members to properly oversee the interests of Hubbell and its shareholders. The NCGC recommends candidates for Board membership using the selection criteria outlined in the Corporate Governance Guidelines, Committee Charters, and other factors it deems necessary to ful昀椀ll its objectives, including diversity. Diversity criteria includes gender, race, and ethnicity, as well as diversity of experience, professional background, industry exposure, and other areas. A full description of the Board's nomination practices are available in our 2022 Annual Report and Proxy Statement available on Hubbell’s website. 2-11 Chair of the highest governance Hubbell’s Chairman, President and CEO is Gerben Bakker. body 2-12 Role of the highest governance Hubbell’s Corporate Governance Guidelines and the Charter of the NCGC formally include Board oversight of the company’s ESG body in overseeing the programs as part of the Board’s responsibilities. The NCGC is charged with speci昀椀c oversight of ESG-related matters, although ESG management of impacts issues are discussed by the entire Board and are incorporated into Hubbell’s overall business strategy. 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for At the executive level, our ESG Steering Committee (ESG Committee) has responsibility for ESG matters globally and oversees managing impacts alignment between our ESG e昀昀orts and our overarching business objectives. Hubbell’s Senior Vice President (SVP), General Counsel and Corporate Secretary and Chief Compliance O昀케cer (CCO) are the executive sponsors for the ESG Committee and provide regular updates to senior leadership and the Board. Moreover, a comprehensive team of human resources (HR) senior leaders manage the company's employee programs, including inclusion and diversity initiatives. They partner with our Chairman, President and CEO to provide regular updates to our senior leadership and Board on employee-related matters. 63
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