MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES GRI STANDARD DISCLOSURE EXPLANATION GENERAL DISCLOSURES 2-14 Role of the highest governance The Board's NCGC is responsible for reviewing and approving Hubbell's sustainability programs and initiatives, including our ESG body in sustainability reporting reporting and disclosure activities. 2-15 Con昀氀icts of interest As outlined in Hubbell's Corporate Governance Guidelines, Directors are expected to avoid any action, position, or interest that con昀氀icts with the interests of the company. If an actual or potential con昀氀ict of interest develops, the Director is to immediately report the matter to the Lead Director, who in turn shall notify the Chairman of the Board. Any signi昀椀cant con昀氀ict must be resolved, or the Director should resign. 2-16 C ommunication of critical Hubbell's CCO regularly updates our Board’s Audit Committee on compliance and ethical-related matters. Should signi昀椀cant critical concerns concerns arise, they are communicated to the Board immediately. In addition, Hubbell o昀昀ers a resource where individuals can ask questions or report ethical or compliance concerns con昀椀dentially or anonymously. This service is called “Speak Up Today,” and it is managed by an independent third party. Speak Up Today is available to employees, customers, vendors, or any other third party 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and in multiple languages. The service is accessible via the web (, email, and phone through toll-free telephone numbers in 16 countries. 2-17 C ollective knowledge of the As outlined in our Corporate Governance Guidelines, Hubbell will make available to Directors continuing educational programs and highest governance body each Director is expected to participate in such programs, as the Board determines desirable. This includes sustainability-related educational content. Moreover, the ESG Committee provides regular updates to the NCGC and the rest of the Board on ESG-related matters to advance their knowledge of sustainable development issues relevant to Hubbell. 2-18 Evaluation of the performance of Following the end of each 昀椀scal year, the NCGC oversees an annual self-assessment by the Board of the Board's performance. This the highest governance body evaluation process also includes the Board and the company's management of ESG matters. For more information, see our Corporate Governance Guidelines and the NCGC's Charter. 2-19 Remuneration policies Hubbell's NCGC annually reviews all forms of independent Director compensation in relation to other US companies of comparable 2-20 Process to determine size and Hubbell's competitors and recommends changes to the Board, when appropriate. The NCGC is supported in this review by remuneration an independent outside compensation consultant that provides compensation consultation and competitive benchmarking. Moreover, the Board's Compensation Committee provides assistance to the Board in determining and approving compensation for Hubbell's Chairman, President and CEO and other Board-appointed o昀케cers. A full description of the Board’s compensation practices are available in the Compensation Committee's Charter and our 2022 Annual Report and Proxy Statement available on Hubbell’s website. Hubbell’s Chairman, President and CEO’s annual Short Term Incentive (STI) award has a component (of 20%) based on performance on strategic initiatives and critical priorities, including diversity, equity, inclusion, sustainability/ESG, and safety. 2-21 Annual total compensation ratio Omitted due to con昀椀dentiality constraints. 2-22 Statement on sustainable To read our 2023 ESG message from Hubbell's Chairman, President and CEO, see page 4. development strategy 64
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