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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES GRI STANDARD DISCLOSURE EXPLANATION RISK EXCELLENCE GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of material topics We are committed to establishing sound governance structures, delegating ESG oversight, and implementing robust risk management Topics 2021 processes that operationalize risk excellence and maintain business resilience. Our governance frameworks and business policies are designed to promote the e昀昀ective oversight of our business and strategy. Our Board of Directors provides the highest level of oversight for Hubbell’s strategy, performance, and enterprise risks. In addition, the Board's Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee oversees the development and administration of Hubbell's sustainability/ESG program, which includes supporting the integration of the management of climate-related issues (e.g., risks and opportunities) into our strategy and outlook. At the executive level, our ESG Steering Committee is responsible for developing, implementing, and driving Hubbell’s global sustainability strategy, initiatives, target- setting, and reporting. Day in and day out, we proactively engage in risk management processes that reinforce risk excellence across our business. To that end, we conduct an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) analysis to assess the risks and opportunities that may have a material impact on our company. Our ERM procedure focuses on identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating risk exposures to the company on an ongoing basis. In relation to ESG- and climate-related risks, our ERM program drives our processes for examining all relevant ESG risks, including physical and transition risks associated with the shift to a low-carbon economy. For a detailed description of our governance and risk management practices, see our GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021 disclosures above. GRI 201 Economic 201-1 Dir ect economic value generated We believe sound governance practices and risk excellence generate value. In 2022, Hubbell’s net sales were $4.9 billion and free cash Performance and distributed 昀氀ow generation was $507 million. See Note 2 in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements in our Annual Report on Form 2016 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, 昀椀led with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for further details. BUSINESS ETHICS, INTEGRITY, AND TRANSPARENCY GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of material topics Our commitment to business ethics and compliance begins at the very top of our organization, with oversight from our Board of Topics 2021 Directors and senior leadership team. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code) and other ethics and compliance policies serve as guideposts for our behavior and management practices. The Code, which is evaluated regularly, addresses our standards and policies for various matters, including con昀氀icts of interest, anti-corruption, and compliance with applicable laws. The Code applies to our Directors, employees, and third parties, and it is the foundation on which our ethics and compliance policies are built. The Code is shared with all employees as part of our new hire onboarding process, and all employees and Directors are required to certify to the Code annually. We also provide monthly training for employees on tenets of the Code. In addition, our compliance program is led by a dedicated team of compliance professionals located across the enterprise. This team includes our Internal Audit group, which performs over 40 compliance-related audits per year. We also have a Compliance Review Committee that reviews all signi昀椀cant ethical matters should they arise. Our Board’s Audit Committee receives regular updates on compliance-related matters, including the results of internal audit activities, our performance compared to benchmarking trends, the results of our annual ERM assessment, and Code of Conduct awareness initiatives. Operating with integrity also encompasses being transparent about our business. We recognize that being open about our company's goals, tactics, performance, and operations is integral to earning the trust of our internal and external stakeholders. As a company, we are dedicated to providing credible and decision-useful information on a regular basis through stakeholder engagement and public disclosures. To this aim, we strive to publish disclosures that keep our stakeholders informed, including our Annual Report and Proxy Statement and the resources on our Sustainability Website. 77

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