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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES GRI STANDARD DISCLOSURE EXPLANATION GRI 205 Anti- 205-1 Oper ations assessed for risks We seek to conduct business only with third parties who share our commitment to the values and principles in our Code, as well as corruption 2016 related to corruption the standards included in our Third-Party Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. We also maintain a compliance vetting program that screens third parties who provide goods and services to Hubbell and its business units. The program evaluates all potential and existing business partners based on factors such as the country in which they do business, the interactions they have with government agencies, and the nature of their compensation or the level of business they do with Hubbell companies and sets screening standards for each third party based on the level of risk. 205-2  Communication and training Each month, compliance-themed courses and resources based on tenets of our Code are rolled out to all employees. Monthly topics about anti-corruption policies covered in this training program, including data privacy and security, insider trading, raising concerns, and bribery and corruption, and and procedures the substance and methods of compliance training, are refreshed regularly. 205-3  Con昀椀rmed incidents of 100% of compliance matters have been investigated. corruption and actions taken GRI 206 Anti- 206-1  Legal actions for anti- Please refer to Hubbell's 昀椀lings with the US SEC on Hubbell's website. competitive competitive behavior, anti-trust, Behavior 2016 and monopoly practice DATA PRIVACY AND CYBERSECURITY GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of material topics As part of our e昀昀ort to safeguard our data and protect our assets from cybersecurity threats, we apply a “Privacy and Security by Topics 2021 Design” strategy to our organization, products, and supply chain. When it comes to data privacy, we have a dedicated data privacy team that oversees all aspects of our corporate privacy program. This team employs policies, plans, and initiatives that promote a uniform and coordinated approach to diverse privacy regulatory frameworks and challenges. Meanwhile, we also have a cybersecurity team responsible for managing data and protecting our business and assets from potential threats. On a routine basis, our cybersecurity team monitors for malicious activity, manages and responds to threats, tests our systems, and improves our controls. Hubbell's cybersecurity team briefs senior leadership and our Board of Directors regularly on our enterprise-wide cybersecurity risk management, or immediately if signi昀椀cant cybersecurity issues arise. Moreover, our cybersecurity team works diligently to manage cybersecurity risks and safeguard data throughout our supply chain. Our team of professionals partners with our sourcing teams to conduct our Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management (C-SCRM) procedures. The C-SCRM evaluates cybersecurity risks related to critical suppliers. In addition to C-SCRM, our cybersecurity team works closely with our compliance teams to conduct internal audits of our cybersecurity controls and ensure we remain compliant with applicable regulations. Hubbell also works with third-party providers to perform external cyber and information security audits of our program. Our business is also focused on fostering a “Privacy and Security by Design” culture for the development of our connected products. Our product teams and enterprise cybersecurity team manage and execute initiatives that combat cybersecurity threats related to our products, with support from Hubbell's Product Cybersecurity Council (PCC). The PCC partners with Hubbell’s Engineering Council to ensure product security protections are integrated into the full lifecycle of our new product development process. By doing so, we can complement our equipment o昀昀erings with digital solutions, such as connected products, sensors, and software. GRI 418 Customer 418-1  Substantiated complaints We had no material complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data in 2022. Privacy 2016 concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data 78

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