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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES 2023 SASB CONTENT INDEX DISCLOSURE TOPIC DISCLOSURE # ACCOUNTING METRIC EXPLANATION ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY DISCLOSURES Energy Management RT-EE-130a.1 (1) Total energy consumed, (2) (1) Total energy consumed in 2022: 388,795,228 kWh percentage grid electricity, (3) (2) (3) This information is unavailable/incomplete; Hubbell is in the process of improving measurement of these metrics. percentage renewable Hazardous Waste RT-EE-150a.1 Amount of hazardous waste Total hazardous waste generated in 2022: 1,608 tons Management generated; percentage recycled Total hazardous waste recycled in 2022: 211 tons RT-EE-150a.2 Number and aggregate quantity of Hubbell had no reportable spills in 2022. reportable spills, quantity recovered Product Safety RT-EE-250a.1 Number of recalls issued; total units No products were recalled in 2022. recalled RT-EE-250a.2 Total amount of monetary losses as a We did not experience any monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with product safety in result of legal proceedings associated 2022. with product safety Product Lifecycle RT-EE-410a.1 Percentage of products by revenue that Some of our products contain IEC declarable substances, however the volume/mass of these substances is not Management contain IEC 62474 declarable substances materially signi昀椀cant. RT-EE-410a.2 Percentage of eligible products, by 925 of our products met ENERGY STAR® criteria in 2022. revenue, that meet ENERGY STAR® criteria RT-EE-410a.3 Revenue from renewable energy- Hubbell’s Products with Impact support the transition to an energy e昀케cient and low-carbon economy through four related and energy e昀케ciency-related impact categories: grid modernization and hardening, resource e昀케ciency, renewable energy, and electri昀椀cation. Our products Products with Impact represented approximately 63% of our total sales in 2022. This calculation includes all sales from electrical utility T&D components and utility communications and controls, as well as products sold directly into solar and wind applications. It also includes products that support grid modernization and communications applications such as 5G/昀椀ber/broadband access and data centers. This calculation excludes sales from products sold into oil and gas markets, which enhance the safety of those applications. It also excludes sales from our broader portfolio of electrical products sold into various industrial, non-residential, and residential applications. • HUS enables the grid to conduct, communicate, and control energy across utility applications. Our critical utility T&D components harden critical infrastructure, enabling the grid to reliably transmit and distribute energy. In addition, HUS' utility communications and controls technologies provide data collection, analysis, and control capabilities that enable the management of energy T&D with consumption. By making the grid smarter and more 昀氀exible, our communications and controls solutions facilitate the integration of renewables and the electri昀椀cation of everything. • HES provides critical components that allow operators of buildings, factories, and other industrial infrastructure to connect, protect, wire, and manage power reliably and e昀케ciently. HES solutions increase the energy e昀케ciency of buildings and infrastructure, as well as support electri昀椀cation of sectors including transportation and manufacturing. Moreover, while our decarbonization-related products are salient to our business and our industry, we believe that our solutions also generate positive social and environmental impacts beyond our Products with Impact categories. These bene昀椀ts include enhancing safety, resource e昀케ciency, hardening of infrastructure, explosion prevention, and rural broadband access. For example, Hubbell Gas Utility Solutions o昀昀ers connectors and valves that both promote resource e昀케ciency and prevent gas leaks and spills. 79

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