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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES FOCUSING OUR EFFORTS PARADIGM FOR PARITY PLEDGE TOP DIVERSITY As a company with a global presence, we are dedicated to building Hubbell signed the EMPLOYER RECOGNITION an inclusive culture and ensuring that our workforce re昀氀ects the Paradigm for Parity In 2022, we were communities where we live and work. We recognize that there pledge to accelerate recognized as a are always opportunities to grow and improve, and we view our gender equality and address the leadership Top Diversity Inclusion Pillars as a lever to enact meaningful change throughout gender gap in the US. The Paradigm for Parity Employer by our company. During 2022, we continued to focus our IDE e昀昀orts pledge aims for its coalition of 140+ companies, DiversityJobs, across all four of Hubbell’s Inclusion Pillars, spanning our hiring that represent over 6.5 million workers across re昀氀ecting our dedication to practices, community engagement, and employee training. These 28 countries, to achieve gender parity building a diverse workforce programs and initiatives included, but were not limited to: throughout corporate leadership by 2030. and inclusive culture. BUSINESS RESULTS • Delivering webinars, training, and other resources in key focus areas to promote inclusion and diversity education. • Providing tools, resources, and training to people leaders and supervisors to equip them to be inclusive leaders and strengthen IDE in the workplace. INCLUSIVE CULTURES • Collaborating with diversity partners including • Implementing initiatives that improve diverse Employer Support of the Guard & Reserves, representation at the people-leader level and above., Society of Women Engineers, • Ensuring equal employment opportunity, INCLUSIVE TEAMS National Society of Black Engineers, National practicing equitable hiring practices, and building Urban League, Prospanica, and Historically diverse interview teams to advance diversity and Black Colleges & Universities to recruit equity during the recruitment process. diverse talent. EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE • Partnering with diverse organizations and • Supporting our Employee Inclusion Groups that engaging in events in the community to help drive an inclusive culture at our company. promote inclusion within our business and • Measuring our culture of inclusion through out in the communities where we live. Hubbell's Elevate Employee Experience Survey. 40

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