6. thE roAdmAP For corPorAtE AmErIcA Every year, we ask Americans to identify what actions companies In 2018, when asked to determine the importance of each Issue, can take to be more just. This collection of business performance Americans prioritized: Issues, and their underlying Components, comprise a data-driven WORKERS (25%) Roadmap for Corporate America, which can be used as a holistic How a company treats its employees and contractors, including fair pay, system for business leaders to better balance priorities between good bene昀椀ts, and safe working conditions. key stakeholders. CUSTOMERS (18%) How a company treats its customers, including providing positive experiences, protecting their privacy, and providing fair sales terms. PRODUCTS (14%) How products and services a昀昀ect the daily lives of those who interact with them, including fair pricing and quality, as well as overall bene昀椀t or harm. ENVIRONMENT (13%) How a company impacts the environment, including overall environmental responsibility, using resources e昀케ciently, and minimizing pollution. JOBS (12%) How a company impacts the job market in the U.S., including the number of people the company employs and the number of new jobs created. COMMUNITIES IN THE U.S. AND ABROAD (11%) How a company manages risks to human rights internationally, including using forced labor or operating in countries with oppressive governments, and how it engages with local communities. COMPANY LEADERSHIP & SHAREHOLDERS* (8%) How a company’s leadership acts ethically and with integrity, achieves long-term 昀椀nancial growth, and creates value for its shareholders. * In 2018, we updated the name of this issue from Management & Shareholders to Company Leadership & Shareholders. 16 | JUST CAPITAL
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