6. thE roAdmAP For corPorAtE AmErIcA The Issues ❱ MessAges TO CeOs WORkeRs Please invest more in your workers and in the 25% Workers common people of this country. They are the backbone of America. — Male, 38, White, Democrat, IA 18% Customers CustoMeRs Put customers 昀椀rst. — Female, 48, Black, Independent, WI 14% Products PROdUCTs Deliver better products to your consumers. Foster innovation. 13% environment — Male, 50, White, Democrat, OR enViROnMenT Be more aware of your impact on our 12% Jobs environment. — Female, 61, White, Republican, CA 11% Communities JOBs Create jobs that people want. — Female, 59, White, Republican, CO 0 Leadership and COMMUniTies 8% Build up the communities you bene昀椀ted from. Shareholders — Female, 49, Black, Democrat, PA leAdeRshiP The above percentages represent the importance that Americans placed on each Issue, on average, when asked to choose what is most Lead ethically, with integrity. important to just business behavior in our MaxDi昀昀 exercise (see Methodology for details. In our 2018 Rankings, 25% of a company’s score is — Male, 60, White, Independent, OH determined by how they treat their workers, 18% by how they treat their customers, and so on. The scores have to add to 100%, which means that, to increase the importance of one issue, something else must decrease. The same applies to the Components within each issue – such as “pays a living wage” and “provides a safe workplace.” Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. JUST CAPITAL | 17
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