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4. AmErIcA’s vIEws on BusInEss How do AmericAns perceive tHe stAte of business todAy? iMPACT Americans see companies as having a generally positive impact on society – particularly for their shareholders, as well as in how they support local communities, create jobs in the U.S., and provide quality products and services. On issues like environment and international communities, however, the majority of Americans do see corporate impact as negative. POSITIVe IMPACT ISSUeS NeGATIVe IMPACT 72% Shareholders 19% 68% Quality of Products & Services 27% 65% Quality of Jobs in the U.S. 32% 62% Local Communities 32% 58% Society Overall 36% 50% employees’ Work-life balance 43% 40% Communities Outside the U.S. 46% 38% The environment 57% Q: Do you think large companies are having a very positive impact, a somewhat positive impact, a somewhat negative impact, a very negative impact, or no impact on: [ISSUE]? Base: Varies by issue, range N = 932 to 1,070 (unweighted), MOE +/- 4.5 percentage points; N = 4,083 (unweighted), MOE +/- 2.1 percentage points for “society overall.” Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. JUS JUST CT CAPITAPITAL | 7AL | 7

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