2. voIcE oF thE AmErIcAn PEoPlE deFining JUsT Since 2015, JUST Capital has surveyed more than 81,000 Americans – representative of the Our focus group and survey U.S. adult population – asking them to de昀椀ne just business behavior. For this year’s survey work, respondents de昀椀ne a just we partnered again with NORC at the University of Chicago, engaging over 9,000 respondents company as follows: who represent a cross section of America today. We captured perspectives across generational A just company is ethical, and ideological divides, varying income and education levels, race, gender, and more. honest, and fair, and Survey Demographics behaves this way when it comes to its employees, housEhold IncomE AgE rEgIon customers, shareholders, 29% Less than $30,000 31% 18-34 18% Northeast and the environment, as 38% $30,000 to $74,999 24% 35-49 21% Midwest well as the communities it 22% $75,000 to 124,999 25% 50-64 37% South impacts locally and around 12% $125,000+ 20% 65+ 24% West the world. EducAtIon IdEology rAcE/EthnIcIty 11% Less than high school 6% Very conservative 64% Non-Hispanic White 29% High school equivalent 24% Conservative 12% Non-Hispanic black 29% Some college/Associate degree 36% Moderate 16% Hispanic 19% bachelor's degree 17% Liberal 3% Non-Hispanic Asian/Paci昀椀c Islander 12% Graduate degree 6% Very liberal 5% Non-Hispanic Other 11% None of the above gEndEr InvEstor stAtus EmPloymEnt stAtus 48% Male 50% Yes 56% Working 52% Female 50% No/not sure 35% Not working/not looking for work 9% Not working/looking for work Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. JUS JUST CT CAPITAPITAL | 3AL | 3
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