5. AmErIcA’s commItmEnt to chAngE WORking FOR JUsT COMPAnies In 2017, we asked survey respondents what they would sacri昀椀ce to work for a just company. Four out of 昀椀ve respondents (79%) said they would be willing to accept at least a little less pay to work at a company that is more just. In 2018, we explored this issue in greater depth, and this time presented only working Americans with the following hypothetical scenario: Remember that a just company is ethical, honest, and fair and behaves this way when it comes to its employees, customers, shareholders, and the environment, as well as the communities it impacts locally and around the world. Imagine you’re considering accepting a job and have to choose between two companies. The companies are similar in many ways, but di昀昀er in how just the company is, and how much the job pays. Company A, the more just company, pays less. Company B, the less just company, pays more. Which company would you choose? 76% said they would choose Company A: Only 24% said they would choose Company b: the company that was More Just but Paid Less the company that was Less Just but Paid More Q. Imagine you’re considering accepting a job and have to choose between two companies. The companies are similar in many ways, but di昀昀er in how just the company is, and how much the job pays. Company A, the more just company, pays less. Company B, the less just company, pays more. Which company would you choose? Base: Working Respondents (N = 1,602 unweighted), MOE +/- 3.2 percentage points. Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. JUS JUST CT CAPITAPITAL | 11AL | 11
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