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THE 101 TOP B2B MARKETING INFLUENCERS OF 2022 Leading an effective marketing especially as digital fatigue But from all this gloom and department has never been reduced the yield of some doom emerged an elite cohort easy. Leading one in 2022 was pandemic stalwarts like of marketing leaders who didn’t next to impossible. The year webinars and other forms just survive 2022, they thrived. started with a continuation of of content marketing. But How? In sum, they didn’t go the Great Migration, as mid- the reality of live events it alone. Instead, they turned tier employees sought and proved problematic. First, to their fellow marketers for gained massive pay hikes. many marketers were rusty advice and counsel on their The supply of experienced on how to optimize event most pressing challenges. They employees, particularly performance. Second, travel met one on one and in virtual in product marketing and and entertainment costs have huddles of 10-15 like-minded marketing ops, never caught nearly doubled, putting even leaders. They engaged with up with the demand, leaving more pressure on event ROI. each other day after day on critical holes and stressing the And third, many potential Slack. They remained students current teams. And for those customers were cautious of their craft, sharing, caring, who found new staffers, the about attending events, and daring each other to higher salaries required to get turning some conflagrations succeed despite the odds. It is this talent blew through their into “vendor fests.” this remarkable community of budgets, either reducing dollars influential marketing leaders available for programs or raising And if this weren’t enough, who we celebrate in the performance expectations. signs of a recession emerged pages ahead. And staffing was just one of the mid-year leading some CFOs challenges marketing leaders to suggest spending and hiring faced in 2022. freezes. Once again, marketing leaders were being asked to be Many marketers tiptoed back magicians, to make more out into live events anxious to of less. It’s enough to make one reconnect with customers and question the sanity of choosing identify new opportunities. a career in marketing. This seemed like a great idea 2

101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 - Page 2 101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 Page 1 Page 3