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EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Generative AI Tools for Developer Experience Source: McKinsey & Company I was able to focus on I felt happy satisfying and meaningful work I was in a ‘flow’ state 15 20 25 31 50 44 Strongly Agree 30 30 30 Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree 25 56 Somewhat Disagree 38 30 20 50 Strongly Disagree 30 15 20 13 5 13 5 6 Without With Without With Without With generative AI generative AI generative AI generative AI generative AI generative AI In reality, we are still at the beginning stages of this technology, and "Human intelligence needs to the 昀椀nal use cases of AI and machine learning vary wildly. There is the be part of the (software devel- opment) process to accomplish possibility that this tech will become a valuable productivity tool for and present work to business many, but not the economy-altering revolution that some have pre- partners and stakeholders. dicted. However, there is an equal chance that this technology has the I strongly believe engineers are opportunity to fundamentally change how work gets done, both in the not replaceable. Generative AI IT industry and beyond. will make the day-to-day work of engineers more fun and creative." While we all wait and see where AI ends up, for those in the tech in- Fouad Bousetouane dustry it would be wise to invest time in seeing what AI tools are being Director of ML, Grainger implemented in your 昀椀eld and see if there is an opportunity to upskill so you can reap the 昀椀nancial as well as work ful昀椀llment bene昀椀ts of AI. WATCH: How AI is Transforming the Way Software Developers Work Roles Most Impacted by Use of AI Source: Stanford University,'s 2023 Arti昀椀cial Intelligence Index Report Business Analytics or Intelligence 65% Automated Repetitive, Low-Level Tasks 64% Identify Risks and Improve Security 43% Monitoring and Governance 34% Conversational AI or Virtual Assistants 33% Augment Operational Staff in their Decision Making 28% Sensor Data Analysis 27% Financial Planning and Analysis 20% Content Creation 16% Define Business Strategy 12% HOW WILL AI CHANGE THE WAY SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS WORK? ION? Click to read 8 ways you can expect things to change. 17

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