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ADVICE FROM THE EXPERTS FOR 2024 Advice from the Experts for 2024 For Both Hiring Managers and Tech Workers: Create Balance Through Compromise Moving into 2024, we are at a point where neither hiring managers nor tech workers have the upper hand in the marketplace, and both need to 昀椀nd common ground so both can thrive in the years ahead. For hiring managers, while demand for tech talent slightly lowered at the start of the year, it by no means subsided and only grew as 2023 has progressed. Because of this, attempting to lowball can- didates, cutting bene昀椀ts or overworking employees once they arrive is a recipe for disaster. For tech workers, setting reasonable expectations for the salary range you’re willing to accept will help you in your job search, along with working with managers on a 昀氀exible hybrid work environment that allows for occasionally coming into the of昀椀ce along with days working from home. Invest in AI: Next-generation arti昀椀cial intelligence tools appear to be here to stay, and both hiring managers and tech workers would be wise to 昀椀nd out how these exploding technologies are affecting their part of the IT economy. Tech workers need to learn and understand the AI tools and programs that are being used currently in your area and see how you can implement them in your work昀氀ow. Even if the tools aren’t ready for prime time and can only help in basic tasks, having a background in these AI programs could have lasting bene昀椀ts long- term as the technology advances. Hiring managers and companies should be looking to empower workers to upskill in these AI tools and possibly go beyond having workers use free, readily available tools like ChatGPT and invest in paid tools to help workers become more productive. While at- tempting to fully replace workers with AI tools in 2024 is probably a bad idea, spending money to help workers become more pro- ductive is always a good investment. MOTIONRECRUITMENT.COM

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