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INTRODUCTION The State of Tech Employment 2024 is an opportunity for tech workers and companies to grow and evolve in exciting ways as technology continues to Contents advance and change at a rapid pace. Despite 2023's ups and downs, we see the strength and 03 The State of Tech Employment resiliency of the IT community, which continues to optimize Tech Employment Trends the way work is done amid digital transformation, work- Tech Talent Demand in 2024 place changes and technological growth in areas like arti昀椀- Workplace Enviornment cial intelligence. Unsurprisingly, overall tech unemployment rates remain far lower than other sectors, and the talent gap 14 Emerging Technology: AI remains high. 18 Advice from the Experts To continue this path to growth, it is crucial to have an For Both Hiring Managers & Tech Workers For Hiring Managers innate understanding of the IT job market and the value For Tech Workers different positions provide. Having that knowledge is vital to your success in 2024, and we hope this report and our spe- 21 Conclusion cialized tech teams can help make it as smooth as possible 22 Tech Salary Ranges to navigate. 31 Methodology Ma琀琀 Milano President, Motion Recruitment MOTIONRECRUITMENT.COM 02

2024 | Tech Salary Guide - Page 2 2024 | Tech Salary Guide Page 1 Page 3
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