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ADVICE FROM THE EXPERTS FOR 2024 Top IT Automation Tools Planned for Future Source: Global SRE Report 2022 Chaos Engineering 17% AI and Machine Learning Tools 15% Security Tools 10% Service Level Management 9% Observability 9% Release Management 7% Application Security Management 7% CI/CD Tools 7% Provisioning Tools 7% Network Management 6% Configuration Management 5% Infrastructure Management 5% ITSM And/Or Ticketing System 4% Monitor and Observability Tools 4% For Hiring Managers Unicorns Aren’t Real, Don’t Delay Hiring for One: While the market has softened slightly and salary demands are no longer rising at the rates they were in years past, it is still dif昀椀cult to 昀椀nd tech talent in 2024. Many companies are probably looking for the exact same skills you are, so if you 昀椀nd someone who 昀椀ts your company culture as well as the abilities you’re looking for in a role, do not think you can prolong the hiring process or pay a can- didate lower than what they are worth. Our recruiters told us that on multiple occasions, a hiring manager was going through the interview process with a candidate they liked, however, they wanted to keep looking to 昀椀nd someone who was “perfect” and use the 昀椀rst as a backup option. Their unicorn didn’t exist, and the 昀椀rst candidate was quickly picked up by a different business. Don’t let perfection get in the way of success. Why The Candidate Experience Ma琀琀ers Source: Vervo's Survey on The Impact of Slow Hiring 75% 60% 30% 83% of employees accepted of applicants quit on of applicants ranked of candidates admit their a job offer because of a application process how responsive an overall experience would be positive candidate because it was too organization is as the most improved if employers experience. long or complex. important aspect of the provided clear timelines candidate experience. for the hiring process. 19

2024 | Tech Salary Guide - Page 19 2024 | Tech Salary Guide Page 18 Page 20