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CONVERSATION 11. Work with Web Cams When talking virtually (on the phone or via VOIP), turn on your web cams when possible. 1 It will keep you and the other person more engaged , serves as a nice reminder that you work with fellow humans (not robots or disembodied voices), and it helps you communicate your message more effectively. Research shows that in one-on-one, emotionally driven conversations, 93% of what is communicated is nonverbal 2 (i.e. it comes from body and paralanguage) . Being seen can help make sure your entire message is getting across. 1 I, for one, am a lot less likely to check-out of the call if I know people can see I’m slapping myself out of boredom. 2 See Master the Silent Language. 20

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 31 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 30 Page 32