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MOTIVATION 323. Pump It Up Get energized for the day by listening to some of your favorite 1 songs on your commute to work . 324. Picture the Good Stuff Get a digital picture frame and fill it with pictures of your friends, family, pets, and material objects that make you happy. 325. Find Your Tribe Find a community of people doing what you want to do. Do a Google search or check out for communities. 326. Go Long Have a list of your long–term goals posted at your desk. Before starting any project, remind yourself of how it links to what you ultimately want to accomplish2. 1 I’m a big fan of the DJ Girl Talk. He remixes old and new songs together for high– beats–per–minute awesomeness. Warning: many of the songs are explicit. And catchy. 2 Did you know that people who list out their goals are 10 times more likely to actually achieve them? See Statistics on New Year’s Resolutions. 170

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 181 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 180 Page 182