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3 Ch If by chance you are dealing with such an environment, not fit your challenges or your company’s culture. First evaluate how your organization is apt er thr you might want to have a serious conversation with your going about their tasks and document the pain points. Be thorough. Be relentless. If you want ee management team. It might seem madness to ask Manage- ‘agile’ to work for you, you first need to unearth all the flaws in your corporate culture and The agiment to change their leadership styles, just because existing processes, so you can attack them one by one. l Marketing would like to try out this new little agile trend. e m ark True enough. However, We would like to point out that we When you have found a method that will work for your type of challenges, be aware that this etin are living in a networked and increasingly flattened envi- too will not be clean-cut and eternal. As your environment evolves, so will your organization g s t ar ronment in which only ultra-fluid, collaborative, sharing, as a whole. Your marketing department will thus need to adjust your agile approach. You t er’s bottom-up driven organizations will thrive. As Jack Welch will need to implement all the things you learned through experimentation, failing and r o a once put it: “Change before you have to”. redirecting. Challenge yourself and your team on a permanent basis. There is no such thing dm ap as the perfect agile approach, as it needs to keep evolving all the time by its very nature and definition. Personalize There is no plug-and- it & keep play formula for the Forewarned is As Woodrow Wilson so nicely put it “If you want to agile methodology. We evolving forearmed make enemies, try to change something”. Intro- ‘marketized’ it to our own ducing agile marketing will definitely not make situation, keeping some you popular. In fact, 52% of those surveyed by things, adapting others or simply leaving them out. For VersionOne in its “7th annual state of agile development survey” gave “ability to change instance, in the agile development world the Scrum Master 42 organizational culture” as the biggest barrier to further agile adoption. 12% of them stated always has someone else lead the standup meeting every that “company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile value” was the leading cause of time. This would just have made things more complex in failed agile projects. To make it even scarier: according to the ‘2013 Change and Communica- our environment, so we never used that. tion ROI Study’, only about 55% of all change initiatives meet their original objectives. Develop your own method. Don’t just copy ours. It might

Agile Marketing Manifesto - Page 42 Agile Marketing Manifesto Page 41 Page 43