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Chapter EMC Corporate 2 Marketing goes agile: our story We are big believers in how actions and reality checks First off…we did not embrace agile eat words for breakfast any day of the week. Any ‘how to’ Solving two marketing to just “do something booklet is essentially an empty vessel until you enrich it business problems different”. We were aware, and recognized 2 with a real life example. So we will tell you the story – of that we had two very serious challenges how we, at EMC, implemented agile marketing. This is the handicapping our Corporate Marketing tale of our team and the Corporate Marketing organization. organization: one from the perspective of Corporate Marketing and another one from that It is a human success story. And a real adventure. We are of our business owners. The challenges were not new nor were they uncommon. Fortunately, extremely proud of what we accomplished, but as with Jonathan Martin, our SVP of Marketing is all about trying new ideas and taking a risk to force every big change, there were some bumps in the road. And improvements. He challenged us to address the issues and we took it on with his backing 25 as ‘agile’ dictates, we will be open about those too because and support. the painful parts of reality are so critical to the success of anything we undertake. The first issue was our Corporate Marketing department was continuously overwhelmed with requests. Some of it had to do with our type A, hard driving culture. “The more I do, the

Agile Marketing Manifesto - Page 25 Agile Marketing Manifesto Page 24 Page 26