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2 Ch On top of that we now register the accomplishments of our engagement team as a whole. So innovation. So it is our job to be chameleons, to change apt er tw we built a quarterly macro-dashboard to self-examine ourselves in the most critical manner. when our environment does and come up with fresh ideas. o We tried to keep it as simple as possible, by looking at it in just 5 different dimensions. It That is exactly why we take our ‘temperature’ so much with EMC shows–among other things—that we had a 40% increase in engagements from 2012 to 2013, the retrospectives and the dashboards. That is why we are C orpor how many of those were annual, how many and what type of launches we had, how many of currently working on a ‘Chapter 2’ in our agile marketing at e M the stakeholders we reached and what kind (Corporate Marketing, sales, business sponsors, project, to define all the things we’ve learned along the ark vendors or partners…). And last, but not least, we look at all the innovations in Corporate way and what the next steps should be. We keep looking at etin Marketing, in our launches, as well as in our engagement methodology. what’s next. Being agile marketers, there is no other choice. g g oe s agi One of the best innovations in Corporate Marketing that was enabled through agile marketing So, that was our agile marketing story. We hope that you l e: our swas the prestigious Human Face of Big Data project, one of the largest-ever collaborative found it helpful. We tried to be as honest as possible and t or events in human history. Millions of people around the world were able to share and compare not leave out the hard parts. As we all know, there are no y their lives by means of a free mobile app. The project triggered a global conversation about real hero stories in business, although literature would humanity’s new ability to collect, analyze, triangulate and visualize vast amounts of data in have us believe the contrary. Mistakes are made. Thanks real time. to ’agile’, these will no longer cast a shadow on our reputa- tion, but teach us and grant us freedom from habits. We try to innovate wherever possible. Over the course of time, we began to look outside of Corporate Marketing and have brought other EMC departments into the mix. Launches are We are reminded of this quote by Thomas Edison: “I have a great example of how we step outside the box: we include our partner organizations, our not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. communication teams and our field teams as full participants ensuring that all key players are The words apply perfectly to the agile mindset. The irony 38 in the game from the beginning. is that there are so many versions of this quote around and 14 that only one of them is not actually a mistake. If we have Do not think, because we allow for experimentation and fast failure or focus on interaction indeed misquoted Edison, we sincerely apologize and we and collaboration, that ours is a ‘soft’ environment. Our management teams expect us to promise to get it right next time if we learn which one is the continuously reinvent ourselves. One of the core goals of our agile marketing is fostering true version. We are good with that.

Agile Marketing Manifesto - Page 38 Agile Marketing Manifesto Page 37 Page 39