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2 Ch Some of the above has, of course, already been discussed apt er tw It’s all in Not only did we formulate a mission for our agile in depth–collaborative, transparent, flexible, empow- o marketing project, we also defined and documented ered, simple, fail/learn and “keep going!” (about the 80% EMC the mind(set) a mindset as a guideline for all our efforts. We try to threshold and get it out there)–so we will just focus on C orpor be social, for one. We share all of our demonstrations those that still need a little explanation. at e M and retrospectives, all of our ‘recipes’ (we, for instance, have some very elaborate roadmaps ark for the different kinds of product launches), methods, frameworks, work plans and other best Global, first. EMC is a global company and thus needed etin practices on an online internal community. Every piece of content about every engagement to take this into consideration when going agile. It is not g g oe is 100% open to anybody. We work to find the latest tools and communication methods and always easy to juggle collaboration and standups between s agi are committed to sharing best practices online. It’s important to have this ingrained in the stakeholders that work in Boston, California and India. l e: our sDNA of the organization. There are limited timeslots in which we can get together t or and, obviously, getting them in the same room will not y work. So we have a mix of ‘live’ standups and conference Mindset calls. But we make it work. Our Engagement Managers help make sure that every campaign is ‘global proof’. We always check–before imple- menting them on all kinds of carriers—whether certain slogans or visuals are acceptable in certain countries or Social Empowered cultures. That is, for instance, how we learned we could not 36 Collaborative Global possibly use the bullet train as an image for our ‘Back to the future’ campaign in China, where there had been a bullet Transparent Simple train accident recently with several casualties. Of course, situations like that cannot always be predicted in advance. Flexible Fail/Learn Keep Going! But through close collaboration with all the international

Agile Marketing Manifesto - Page 36 Agile Marketing Manifesto Page 35 Page 37