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1.1 Basics/The brand/Who we are We are a large corporation, with subsidiaries and regional partners around the globe. Together, we BRANDS L T Y pool our different areas of expertise to best serve CIA P E our customers. Our Allianz flagship brand is the / S T E NDS “center of gravity” of our group of brands, focusing A B R A OR E on insurance and asset management. P B L R U B R A N D CO DO I P S H In some regions, we rely on our joint ventures with G L A Die Beraterbank regional partners to serve our customers. In other F countries, the Allianz Group is represented by strong local players – individual corporate brands who are experts in their respective fields. Despite the different ways in which people recognize us, every member of our group of brands shares the same corporate commitment and shows visually the relationship to Allianz. Allianz Group brand architecture 5

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