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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS RECOMMENDATIONOFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSONITEM9 WhyWeRecommendYouVoteAgainstThisProposal • Safety is integral to everything we do at Amazon, as demonstrated by our relentless focus on health and safety training, engagement with employees, and refinement of our processes to improve working conditions. • Wearetransparent about our commitment to and efforts to improve workplace safety, discussing our initiatives in detail in our “Delivered with Care” safety report and on our website. We have incurred more than $15 billion in COVID-19-related costs to help keep our employees safe and deliver for our customers. • Wehavedisclosedourworkforceincident rates along with a comparison to a variety of industries. Our Lost Time Incident Rate was 2.3 globally and 2.6 in the United States in 2020, a 43% and 49% improvement from 2019, respectively. In addition, our Recordable Incident Rate was 5.1 globally and 6.5 in the United States in 2020, a 24% and25%improvementfrom2019,respectively. • Ourcommitmenttosupportingouremployees’well-beingandsuccessisdemonstratedthroughourcompetitive compensation and employee benefits. • Wearecommittedtosupportingandincreasingdiversity, and have committed to conducting and publicly releasing the results of a racial equity audit that will evaluate any disparate racial impacts on our nearly one million U.S. hourly employeesresulting from our policies, programs, and practices. We also have announced Company-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion goals, and we provide extensive statistical reporting on our workforce diversity and pay equity. Weannuallypublish gender and race representation information on our diversity and inclusion website, which includes representation by job type, such as front-line associates, corporate employees, and senior leaders. In addition, to provide even greater transparency, we began publishing our consolidated EEO-1 reports in 2021. Amazon also annually provides information on compensation by gender and by race/ethnicity. • OurBoardhasdirectoversight of employee well-being and workplace safety, and regularly reviews these matters. Safety is Integral to Everything We Do at Amazon TheBoardrecognizes the importance of workplace safety and the right to a safe work environment. As reinforced in our report, “Delivered with Care: Safety, Health, and Well-Being at Amazon,” “safety is integral to everything that we do at Amazon—everyday,inevery operation, across every country,” and “we strive to be safer, every day for our employees, partners, and communities.”27 Our founder and Executive Chair emphasized our commitment to safety in his 2020 Letter 28 to Shareholders, stating that Amazon would strive to be “Earth’s Best Employer and Earth’s Safest Place to Work.” Additionally, as we reaffirmed in our Amazon Global Human Rights Principles, we strive to be the most safety-centric organization in the world. 29 This includes providing a clean, safe, and healthy work environment where the health and safety of our workers is a key priority. For us, one incident is too many. We believe that all workers should come to work and return home safely. No matter who our employees are, where they work, or what they do, we are committed to their safety and well-being every day. While many of our employee health, safety, and well-being related initiatives are discussed in detail below, our WorkingWell initiative is one particular example of our commitment to improving employee safety and well-being. Launched in 2020, WorkingWell is a new comprehensive program that aims to help prevent injuries, provide wellness services, and offer health 30 Through this program, as part of our ongoing effort to design our literacy for employees while at work and at home. workstationsandjobsergonomically,AmazonutilizesacademicresearchandCertifiedAthleticTrainerstoeducateandcoach our employees on body mechanics, safe manual handling practices, and ergonomic principles.31 The injury prevention specialists hired as part of this program are available to our employees on-site and are prepared to evaluate, provide recommendationsforimprovements,train our employees on stretches and exercises to decrease the risk of injury, and 27 Available at 28 See 29 See 30 See 31 See 46

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