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ANNUALMEETINGINFORMATION Voting Standard VotingStandard Treatmentof TreatmentofBroker (1) Item(s) to Approve Abstentions Non-Votes Item 1—Election of Directors Thenumberofvotescastforsuch Noeffect on the Noeffect on the nominee’s election must exceed outcome outcome the votes cast against such (2) nominee’s election Item 2—Ratification of the Affirmative vote of a majority of Countedaspresentand Noeffect on the AppointmentofErnst&Young the outstanding shares of entitled to vote but not outcome LLPasIndependentAuditors commonstockpresentor counted as affirmative Item 3—Advisory Vote to represented by proxy and entitled vote in support ApproveExecutive Compensation to vote on the matter Item 4—Approval of a 20-for-1 Affirmative vote of a majority of Countedasoutstanding Countedas Stock Split and A Proportionate the outstanding shares of andentitled to vote but outstanding and Increase in Authorized Shares commonstockentitledtovoteon not counted as entitled to vote but the matter affirmative vote in not counted as support affirmative vote in support Items 5-19—Shareholder Affirmative vote of a majority of Countedaspresentand Noeffect on the Proposals and Other Matters the outstanding shares of entitled to vote but not outcome Properly Presented at the Annual commonstockpresentor counted as affirmative Meeting represented by proxy and entitled vote in support to vote on the matter (1) Broker nonvotes occur when a person holding shares in street name, such as through a brokerage firm, does not provide instructions as to how to vote those shares and the broker does not then vote those shares on the shareholder’s behalf. (2) If the votes cast for any nominee do not exceed the votes cast against the nominee, the Board will consider whether to accept or reject such director’s resignation, which is tendered to the Board pursuant to the Board of Directors Guidelines on Significant Corporate Governance Issues. Revocation If you own common stock of record, you may revoke your proxy or change your voting instructions at any time before your shares are voted at the Annual Meeting by delivering to the Secretary of, Inc. a written notice of revocation or a duly executed proxy (via the Internet, mobile device, or telephone or by returning a proxy card) bearing a later date or byparticipating in and voting during the Annual Meeting. A shareholder owning common stock in street name may revoke or changevoting instructions by contacting the bank, brokerage firm, or other nominee holding the shares or by participating in and voting during the Annual Meeting. Participating in the Annual Meeting Virtual Meeting This year’s Annual Meeting will be accessible through the Internet. We are conducting a virtual online Annual Meeting so ourshareholderscanparticipatefromanygeographiclocationwithInternetconnectivity.Webelievethisenhancesaccessibility to our Annual Meeting for all of our shareholders and reduces the carbon footprint of our activities. We have worked to offer the same rights and opportunities to participate as were provided at the in-person portion of our past meetings, while providing an online experience available to all shareholders regardless of their location. 106

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