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ANNUALMEETINGINFORMATION Voting via the Internet, mobile device, or by telephone helps save money by reducing postage and proxy tabulation costs. Tovotebyanyofthesemethods,readthisProxyStatement,haveyourNoticeofInternetAvailabilityofProxyMaterials,proxy card, or voting instruction form in hand, and follow the instructions below for your preferred method of voting. Each of these voting methods is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Weencourageyoutocastyourvotebyoneofthefollowingmethods: VOTEBYINTERNET VOTEBYQRCODE VOTEBYTELEPHONE Shares Held of Record: Shares Held of Record: Shares Held of Record: See Proxy Card 800-690-6903 Shares Held in Street Name: Shares Held in Street Name: Shares Held in Street Name: See Notice of Internet Availability or See Notice of Internet Availability or See Voting Instruction Form Voting Instruction Form Voting Instruction Form Themannerinwhichyoursharesmaybevoteddependsonhowyoursharesareheld.Ifyouownsharesofrecord,meaning that your shares are represented by certificates or book entries in your name so that you appear as a shareholder on the records of Computershare, our stock transfer agent, you may vote by proxy, meaning you authorize individuals named in the proxy card to vote your shares. You may provide this authorization by voting via the Internet, mobile device, by telephone, or (if you have received paper copies of our proxy materials) by returning a proxy card. You also may participate in and vote during the Annual Meeting. If you own common stock of record and you do not vote by proxy or at the Annual Meeting, your shares will not be voted. If you own shares in street name, meaning that your shares are held by a bank, brokerage firm, or other nominee, you may instruct that institution on how to vote your shares. You may provide these instructions by voting via the Internet, mobile device, by telephone, or (if you have received paper copies of proxy materials through your bank, brokerage firm, or other nominee)byreturningavotinginstructionformreceivedfromthatinstitution.Youalsomayparticipateinandvoteduringthe Annual Meeting. If you own common stock in street name and do not either provide voting instructions or vote during the Annual Meeting, the institution that holds your shares is permitted but not required to vote your shares on your behalf with respect to the ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as our independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December31,2022,andtheapprovalofa20-for-1stocksplitandaproportionateincreaseinauthorizedshares,butcannot vote your shares on any other matters being considered at the meeting. Other Matters As of the date of this Proxy Statement there are no other matters that we intend to present at the Annual Meeting. However, we have been notified that a shareholder intends to present a non-binding proposal at the Annual Meeting requesting that the Company end the use of productivity expectations and workplace monitoring. If this proposal is properly presented at the Annual Meeting, the persons named as proxies in the accompanying form of proxy or their substitutes intendtoexercisetheirdiscretionaryauthorityunderRule14a-4(c)undertheSecuritiesExchangeActof1934tovoteagainst the proposal. If any other matters are properly brought before the Annual Meeting, the accompanying proxy grants the persons named as proxies or their substitutes discretion to vote on such matters as they determine appropriate. 2022ProxyStatement 105

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