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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS educators with school curriculum and project-based learning, using code to make music, program robots, and solve problems. Amazon Future Engineer also awards 100 students in the United States each year with four-year, $40,000 scholarships and paid internships at Amazon, as well as honoring Teacher of the Year Award winners with more than $30,000forthemselves and their schools. We also work with organizations like and Ada Developers Academy to promotediversity in the STEM pipeline. Other organizations with which we partner to inspire young girls in tech include Girls’ Brigade Singapore and Technovation Spain. We publish additional information regarding investments we make in ourcommunitiesthroughvariouspagesonourwebsite,suchasourwebsitededicatedtojobcreationandinvestmentand our news blog’s community page. • Responding to Civil Rights Concerns Relating to Our Products and Services. While there is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation around our Amazon Rekognition technology and Ring products, we have been consistent and proactive inoureffortstoaddressconcernsandmitigatetheriskofmisusethroughpolicyandadvocacyefforts,customercontractual requirements and training, consultation with third-party experts, and other policies and practices. For example, as highlighted below, in 2021 Ring completed a civil rights and civil liberties audit with the Policing Project at New York University School of Law. AmazonRekognitionisanimageanalysisservice that can analyze objects, people, text, scenes, and activities in images andvideos.Itisnotasurveillancesystem.Whenusedproperlyandresponsibly,Amazon’sfacialrecognitiontechnologycan help to protect civil rights, as demonstrated by non-profit, advocacy, and government groups using it for purposes including tracking and stopping child exploitation, rescuing victims of human trafficking, and locating hundreds of missing children. It has also been used to build educational apps, enhance security through multi-factor authentication, identify suggestive or explicit website content in order to block or remove those images, and provide identity verification as part of mobile banking services for underbanked individuals in emerging geographies, among numerous other examples. Similarly, Ring strives to fulfill its mission to make neighborhoods safer, including by inventing home security products that solve real customer problems and assisting community members in sharing important safety information and connecting with each other. Amazonhascontinuouslytakenstepstoaddressillegal and discriminatory use of such technology through customer contractual requirements, policies, practices, and advocacy efforts. As a condition to using Amazon Rekognition and every other AWS service, a customer (including a government or law enforcement customer) must accept the AWS Acceptable UsePolicy, which prohibits use of AWS’s services “for any illegal, harmful, fraudulent, infringing or offensive use,” including “[a]ny activities that are illegal, that violate the rights of others, or that may be harmful to others, our operations or reputation.”101WehavereviewedandturneddownpotentialcustomerswhoseproposeduseswouldviolateourAcceptable UsePolicy. We also have a mechanism to allow third parties to report potential abuses of the technology, and in the morethanfive years AWS has been offering Amazon Rekognition, we have not received a single report of use in the harmful manner posited in the proposal. In addition to the contractual restrictions that prohibit the use of Amazon Rekognition for anything illegal, harmful, fraudulent, infringing, or offensive, we have in place specific guidance and requirements regarding public disclosure, training, and other safeguards. We have science and technical experts who help promotefairness in our products and services, including helping to design, test, and audit our services for fairness and accuracyandtomitigatepotentialbias,andwhopublishacademicpapersandprovidethoughtleadershipinthisarea.AWS also makes available capabilities that help customers detect bias in machine learning models and increase transparency byhelpingexplainmodelbehaviortocustomersandotherstakeholders.102InJune2020,AWSimplementedamoratorium onuseofAmazonRekognition’sfacecomparisonfeaturebypolicedepartmentsinconnectionwithcriminalinvestigations and, in May 2021, AWS announced the indefinite extension of that moratorium. We believe this moratorium will give governmentstimetoimplementappropriaterules, and we stand ready to help with any such initiatives. TheNeighborsAppbyRingisafreeapplicationdesignedtohelpcommunitymembersconnectwitheachotherand trusted sources of safety information like the public safety agencies that serve them. Ring limits potential misuse of its productsandservicesinnumerousways,includingdesigningNeighborstoallowuserstochoosewhetherandwhattoshare, if anything, enforcing strict limitations on requests for information or video recordings, and requiring all users to abide bycommunityguidelinesthatprohibitracialprofiling,hatespeech,andotherformsofdiscrimination.Ringhasadedicated group of team members, who are trained regarding critical and timely issues, proactively moderating Neighbors content andworkingtoremoveprohibitedcontentprior to posting publicly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 101 Available at 102 Available at 80

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