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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS In 2021, Ring completed a civil rights and civil liberties audit with the Policing Project at New York University School of Law.Theauditwasfocusedonpotentialracialjustice,civilrights,civilliberties,anddemocraticaccountabilityissuesrelating to law enforcement’s use of Neighbors and Ring’s practices regarding law enforcement requests for information. As part oftheaudit,thePolicingProjectpresentedRingwithadetailedsetofrecommendations.Duringthecourseoftheaudit,Ring 103 implementedoveronehundredchangestoitsproducts,policies, and legal processes. For instance, in addition to the safeguards Ring already had in place such as human content moderation, Ring implemented important design and moderation changes to further minimize the risk of potentially biased or problematic content. Ring also engaged the Center for Democracy and Technology (the “CDT”) to provide counsel and help strengthen its moderation practices, and theCDTcontributedtoupdatestotheNeighborsAppandcommunityguidelinesin2021.Ringiscommittedtomakingsure our products and services are used responsibly, and to helping communities build a more just, equitable society. Ourpolicies also prohibit the sale of products that promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance or promote organizations with such views. We maintain these policies to ensure a welcoming environment for our global customers and selling partners to do business while offering the widest selection of items on earth. If we find thatasellerhassuppliedaproductinviolationofouroffensiveproductspolicies,wetakecorrectiveactions,asappropriate, including but not limited to immediately removing the listing, suspending or terminating seller privileges, and permanent withholding of payments. Additionally, on our Twitch service, in January 2021 we implemented a new Hateful Conduct andHarassmentPolicyaspartofourCommunityGuidelines,andwearecontinuingtoinvestinimprovementsto enforcement tools and capacity that make it easier and faster to review reports of harassing and hateful behavior going forward.104 • AmazonGlobalHumanRightsPrinciples and Conducting Human Rights Assessments. We are also committed to ensuring thepeople,workers,andcommunitiesthatsupportourentirevaluechainaretreatedwithfundamentaldignityandrespect. TheAmazonGlobalHumanRightsPrinciples(the“Principles”)105 outline our approach to human rights across all aspects of our Company and help to frame the actions we take with respect to civil rights, equity, diversity, and inclusion. ThePrinciples include several key areas we are focusing on to promote safe, inclusive, and respectful workplaces throughout our operations and within the companies along our value chain, including: freely chosen employment; safe and healthy workplaces; diversity and inclusion; and freedom of association. Our commitment to the Principles requires that we continuously evaluate our operations and value chain to identify, assess, and address salient human rights risks, including the concerns raised by the proposal, and to prioritize key areas where we have the greatest opportunity to have a positive impact on workers and communities. Since 2020, we have worked with a third-party sustainability and human rights consulting firm to assess salient human rights risks across our business. In 2021, we completed a human rights saliency assessment in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“UNGP”), which presents comprehensive guidance for companiestoreportonhowtheyrespecthumanrightsandrecommendsasystematicreviewofrisksasawaytoprioritize a company’s human rights work. While we recognize that a human rights assessment is broader in scope than a civil rights or racial equity audit, the UNGP pays particular attention to the human rights of those who may be disadvantaged, marginalized, or excluded from society, including people belonging to ethnic or other minorities, as well as children, 106 women,indigenouspeoples, or persons with disabilities. In conducting this assessment, we consulted a diverse group of external human rights experts and incorporated their feedback into the results. We benchmarked the results against internationally recognized human rights standards. This assessment identified a set of priority human rights values and keysalienthumanrightsrisksforAmazon,whichincludeddiversity,equity,andinclusion.Ourexistingpoliciesandprograms currently address many of these risks; however, we will use the assessment results to build on current practice and prioritize our human rights due diligence efforts. 103 For more information on the Policing Project’s civil rights and civil liberties audit, see 104 See; policy/. 105 AmazonGlobalHumanRightPrinciples,available at (“As outlined in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, we do not tolerate discrimination.”). 106 See United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011), available at guidingprinciplesbusinesshr_en.pdf. 2022ProxyStatement 81

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